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Y/N, Adora, Bow, and Catra were all sitting in a circle around a table with some sort of DnD setup to it.

"And Bow the Archer rolls for a hit..." Catra was the dungeon master.

Bow tossed the D20 onto the table, and everybody watched with anticipation. It would roll a natural one.


"That does NOT hit."

"COME ON!" Bow yelled, "EVERY TIME!"

Y/N and Adora wheezed so hard, watching as his character basically got destroyed by the Hylix bear figure.







Y/N is getting ready for the next take, talking with Spinny and Netossa near the Spire.

The following audio is playing over.

"Tom Holland. Yo wtf..."


"I don't want to talk to your BITCH ASS-"

The moment the word 'Bitch' is said, Swiftwind had swung a random horseshoe on set, and it unfortunately hit Y/N right on the head.

They promptly fell over out of view afterwards. Both Spinerella and Netossa looked mortified and worried, Adora also poking her head into frame, just as concerned.








Y/N scrambled to Adora, who was sitting down with her back against the wall, her breathing labored as she covered the wound on her side.

They moved her hand, carefully, and the blonde winced as they saw the deep cut.



They put their hand over it to try and help her stop the bleeding as much as they could.

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