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"Wee..." Y/N would levitate as the cord from above malfunctioned again as Angella laughed on set.

"Did the cord break again?" Adora asked.

"No, but my patience did," Y/N laughed.

The blonde wheezed immediately after as some of the crew cackled off set.







The Ranger was in the sequence where they were confronting their mother.

"You've done nothing but forget the cherries on my good sundae!"


A lot of laughter could be heard off and on set, Y/N keeling over as they coughed and laughed.






"You—You. You. You. Fuck."

Y/N facepalmed.

"Alright. One more time."






Y/N makes an assortment of noises that consist of just them blubbering and sounding much like they were just speaking jibberish.

"Burburburburbur. BLEH."

"What are you doing?" Adora asked, laughing mildly off-screen.

"Warming up."







This was the take where both of them were staying on Atria alongside the Best Friend Squad. They were messing around and both fell onto the floor with Y/N over Adora.

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