One Small Step

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Y/N struggled a little, panting with exertion. They had a bead of sweat rolling down the side of their face.

"Don't tell me you're tapped out already?" Adora smirked with a tease, her chin hovering over their shoulder, it appeared.

"No... I'm not..." they could barely find their breath to say the words.




"I'm fine."


"You sure?" Adora giggled.

"Ya know... I would be... IF YOU WEREN'T LAYING ON MY BACK!"

For better context, yeah, this was the case. But Y/N was trying to break She-Ra's record for the longest plank held.


And Adora was being no help, laying down on their back and adding extra weight onto the Ranger.

Bow had some sort of timer on his communicator going while Glimmer and Catra were trying not to laugh at the antics.

Their arms were shaking, trying to remain straight up so they didn't fall.


"The longest plank was about five and a half minutes. You're at three right now—"

"BOW... Buddy... don't tell me what the time is..." they were struggling to keep themself up, against their wishes.

"Y/N you're gonna hurt yourself," Catra sat smugly, her tail twitching a little.

"I'M FINE," They replied.


"I don't know, Catra's right on this one," Adora agreed, but was still teasing the Ranger as they grunted, trying to keep themself up.

"Why do you... even need to be on my back anyway...?" They questioned her.

"She-Ra has a lot of strength!" Adora negated.

"Oh, so you're handicapping me by laying on my BACK?" Y/N didn't see how it made any sense.



"In what universe... is this fair...?" They strained.

"In ours, I guess," Glimmer shrugged.


"Guh... I don't know how much longer I can hold this..." they were losing their balance a little.

"You giving up?" Adora tried to mess with them, hugging around their torso as she remained there.

"NO..." They breathed out.

"Forty-six seconds to go," Bow smiled.



"You got this!" Glimmer tried to cheer them on. It seemed futile, though.

"Ah... I can't," They gave up after another five to ten seconds, and collapsed.

"Aw man! You were only thirty seconds away!" Bow seemed a tad upset.


"Dang it..." they breathed out, exhausted, "I guess I... can consider my arms destroyed after today..."

As well as my pride...

"That's alright. It really takes someone strong to get that far," Adora got off of the Ranger. She didn't have her jacket on, instead wearing her white uniform and dark gray sweats.

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