The Beacon

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The skiff whirred into the Whispering Woods, with all the princesses, apart from Entrapta, on board.


Sea Hawk slid it to a halt in a small clearing, everyone sitting with their heads bowed in guilt.

Especially Adora.


"How could I let this happen?" She stated glumly. Y/N looked back up at her, rubbing at their sleeveless arm.

"Adora... it isn't your fault."

"It IS my fault," she fired back, "Entrapta's gone because of my plan."


Y/N stayed silent after that, hanging their head in defeat.

"This only happened because we were all together," Mermista chimed.

Perfuma rose her head a little, wiping a tear away, "Mermista's right, being together makes us vulnerable."


"Maybe there's a reason the Princess Alliance fell apart before," she gestured her hand around, her voice monotone, "Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea."

Glimmer was shocked to hear this, seeing as she had just managed to put them back together.

"Mermista, no, you can't say that."

There was a quick pause.


"Whatever. I don't want to be a part of it anymore. Sea Hawk, take me home," Mermista stared off to the side, to overcome with grief to maintain any eye contact.

Glimmer looked around, gasping.

Adora lowered her gaze, staring at the metal surface, Perfuma clutching her knees to her chest.

Y/N didn't know what to say.

And that was shocking news to Glimmer. She'd never seen her friend look so miserable, at least, not since they'd found them.


Y/N stared at the ground, any light or twinkle in their eyes gone, their shoulders hunched over their lap as they tucked their knees.

There was just no hope at all.







It took a bit of time, but they dropped the princesses off at their kingdoms.

Mermista back in Salineas, Perfuma returned to Plumeria, creating a floral statue of the purple-haired genius, and Frosta, who covered her kingdom up with ice to ensure that no Horde soldier could ever cross those lines again.

Basically, they all secluded themselves in their kingdoms, having to now cope with not only the grief...

But also the fact that they truly believed they all shared the blame in her loss.






Getting back to the castle wasn't too hard, but it wasn't easy either. The crew had to venture down the path, then head up the bridge towards the castle.

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