70: Unsettled Future

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Kayla POV

*One Month Later*

I carried the last of the grocery bags into the clubhouse and left the guys to unpack while Tiger, Ginger, and I went to the living room to play with Ellie. Watching Ellie grow over the last month was incredible. Her beautiful brown doe eyes took in everything around her.

Whiskey and I hadn't talked about kids or marriage since the last time, which was fine. I was enjoying where we were at in life, but I was hoping to get our own place soon, and I understood why Tiger and Ace moved as quickly as they did.

I lay with Ellie on the ground, her small hand held onto my finger, and she smiled at me. Tears pricked my eyes as I watched her smile and coo at me. I quickly wiped the tears away and continued playing until Ellie fell asleep.

I sat with Tiger and Ginger on the couch, and they instantly noticed my puffy eyes. "Kayla, what's wrong?" Tiger asked.

I have no fucking clue. It isn't like me to be emotional for no reason.

Shrugging my shoulders, I let more fall and pulled my knees into my chest. "I don't know," I whispered. "I've been emotional for a while, and I can't figure out why. Maybe I need some ice cream or a burger," I laughed.

The girls looked at one another and hugged me, sitting with me for a while longer. Ginger risked waking up Ellie to put her in the crib upstairs and asked us to come along. I thought about staying and finding Whiskey and a pint of ice cream, but Tiger practically dragged me along.

Once Ellie was successfully in the crib, Ginger disappeared into the bathroom and came back, handing me something I wasn't sure how to react to. Eyeing Ginger and Tiger, they both gave a knowing look.

"Just take the test. It's better to know than not," Ginger tried assuring me.

Staring wide-eyed at the test in my hand, I gave a small nod. "I'll take it in Whiskey's room," I whispered and headed down the hall to the room. I closed the door and took a few deep breaths to stop my shaking hands.

Why are you nervous? There's nothing to be nervous about, Kayla. You've been careful, and Whiskey said he wouldn't leave you if anything ever happened. But that doesn't mean he will.

Moving to the bathroom, I locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror. Turning sideways, I really looked at myself, but nothing looked different. I've always been bigger, never having the beautiful small curves like Tiger or Ginger, making it difficult to see any difference.

I quickly took the test and placed it on the bathroom counter while I waited for the results.

Two minutes. Two minutes and you'll have an answer. Pregnant or not.

I can't possibly be. I'm not ready to be a mom...this is my first relationship, and I don't even know what I'm doing! How am I supposed to provide for a child when I work part-time at a diner, making just enough money to cover the bills I had?

Will I have to get an apartment of my own? Can I even afford my own place? OR would Whiskey want to come with me? This is insane!

Unable to sit still, I opened the bathroom door and started pacing the bedroom. In any other situation, two minutes would be nothing, but waiting for a test to determine what your future holds takes a hell of a lot longer than I wanted it to.

Sitting on the bed, I put my hands on my stomach and tried to see if I could feel any sign of life, but I couldn't. Tears sprang to my eyes again, and I didn't hold back. I heard the door open and knew it was the girls.

Instead, large rough hands found my back and rubbed it. "What's wrong, love? Are you okay?" Whiskey asked, concerned.

I nodded, afraid if I said anything, I would be sick. But it didn't matter. I ran to the bathroom and let everything in my stomach out. Whiskey rubbed my back, reminding me I wasn't alone and he wasn't going anywhere.

I could hear him wetting something as I flushed the toilet and sat on the edge of the tub. Looking up, Whiskey stared at the test in his hands. Shit.

His brown eyes met mine and asked, "Is this yours?"

I nodded. "I was waiting for the results, but you walked in," I whispered, shaking.

Whiskey nodded, handing me the test. It felt like a thousand tons in my hand, knowing this could change everything. Flipping it over, I read the results.


My eyes widened, and I started shaking again. Whiskey knelt in front of me, rubbing gentle circles on my thighs. "Breathe with me, Kayla. Deep breath in," he said, taking a deep breath. I tried to follow, but mine felt more like a ragged breath.

"And out," he breathed, and I followed suit as best I could. "It's okay, Kayla. I'm not going anywhere."

"How can you say that?!" I sobbed. "We haven't even been dating that long, and you and I both know you have no obligation to stay. I can't even afford a place, let alone support a baby!" I cried.

Whiskey picked me up, carried me to the bed, and sat down, cradling me in his arms. It took a few minutes before I regained control and tried to crawl off his lap, but Whiskey refused to let me go.

"Whiskey," I whispered, but he cut me off.

"Listen to me, this does not change how I feel about you, nor will I leave you because of it. Do I make myself clear?" he growled, giving me butterflies. I nodded but didn't look up at him. "Look at me, Kayla."

His eyes were full of excitement and love. It was reassuring. "This baby is as much mine as yours, and I will not let you raise it on your own. I told you once already, and I meant it. I will take care of you and him. A place to stay, fantastic meals served every day, and a man who would do anything for the two of you," he confirmed.

"She," I whispered, half-smiling at his small rant.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"You said HIM and I, but what if it's a she?" I smiled.

Whiskey's face paled, and he pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. "Lord help us if it's another girl. I swear she will not be allowed to date until she is 25. Do you understand me? And you better start praying for the poor bastard who wants to date her now because he's going to need all the help he can get," he said, shaking his head.

I laughed at his antics, standing and grabbing his hands. "Promise me when I want to eat all the ice cream and cake, you won't let me. I don't need to get more fat than I already will," I huffed, looking down at myself.

Whiskey stood quickly, forcing me to step back, but he grabbed my arms and pulled me into him. Brushing some hair aside, he whispered, "If you say your fat one more time, don't think I won't punish you. Just because you're carrying my child doesn't mean I can't spank you and make you a wet mess," he warned.

My cheeks reddened, and I nodded, gently kissing his lips. Whiskey leaned in for another, but whispering outside the door stopped him. I could hear the girls arguing over whether they should knock or let me tell them when I wanted.

I laughed as Whiskey opened the door, and Ginger and Tiger's faces reddened, and Tiger plastered on her best smile. "Hey, we were just wondering -"

"And you can keep wondering until after Kayla has eaten something," he stated, but they were ignoring him. They were looking at the puffy, green-eyed girl, who couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

They both screamed, pushing Whiskey said, wrapping me in a hug, asking me too many questions.

Looking at Whiskey, he smiled and signed, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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