20: Special Recipe

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Whiskey POV

The Devil's Disciples MC had never come into our territory before, they knew they didn't stand a chance against us; until now. Over the last year, Slasher welcomed anyone and everyone into his club after their initiation. Initiation usually comprised of killing or kidnapping a woman, both of which went against everything humans usually stand for. Slasher's club tripled in numbers and he made a name for himself in this state, and west coast. If you wanted a girl, he could deliver her to your doorstep.

Two months ago, I noticed fewer women coming into the bar. I asked some of our regulars, hoping it wasn't because of our guys. Instead, they said it scared them to go out at night because so many others have gone missing. If the women in our town are scared and concerned, then it concerns me and my brothers. This should never happen, let alone in our town, where we looked out for the women who lived here.

After hearing that, Hawk and I worked together to fill in the gaps and find out what was going on. Tracking where the women were from, where they went missing, and if there were patterns in their appearance, we could identify. A week later, a hospital reported a woman with bruises, broken ribs, and burns came in, which caught our attention. Normally, we would have ignored it, assuming it was another abusive boyfriend, but Killer insisted we check it out.

Shotgun and I went to the hospital to see if she would talk to us, but watching her relive her nightmare reminded me why I joined the Riders and the reason we put our lives on the line. So women, like her, could live freely and without fear of being sex trafficked. We left the hospital knowing exactly who had been taking women off of our streets: The Devil's Disciples MC. They moved into our territory and now we have a problem.


Killer gave his sister the shortened version, leaving out the minor detail that a few of us are meeting top members from the Devil's Disciples in two days. The previous meeting we planned never happened. The Disciples were a no-show, leaving us to wonder if things had been resolved or would worsen. However, after hearing Kayla's story, plus the attack on the cabin, it's clear they had no intention of meeting or stopping. 

As president of the club, Killer called another meeting with the Disciples to put an end to them moving into our territory. He could no longer stand by and watch as women went missing and a new club encroached on our space, especially if we wanted to be respected and feared. But this time, the meeting is on our terms and we are ready for them.

Tiger seemed satisfied with the answer and headed downstairs, but paused. "Promise me this wedding will happen," Tiger pleaded. Both Killer and Ace assure her it would, but she still seems weary.  

"I've already contacted the venue and they have promised that my ingredients and  kitchen will be available for me. I've got you Tiger. Besides, what the hell are they going to do with twenty pounds of sour patch kids?" I laughed, but Tiger did not look amused.

"I'm joking! Maybe." I winked at her as she left the office, and both Killer and Ace shot me a look.

Killer growled, pulling my attention back to him. "We meet in two days. Whiskey, work with Hawk on a plan and ensure all information we have is current. Clearly, between the last time we met and now, something changed. If we can't figure it out, or fuck up this meeting...the wedding may not happen. I'm not about to tell my sister her wedding won't happen because we fucked up. Clear?"

Ace and I nodded and headed for the door, but Killer stopped me. "Whiskey, Kayla isn't a member, or your old lady. Keep this to yourself, brother, but if she says something helpful, let me know." I agreed, understanding that even though Kayla wasn't one of us, Tiger would kill us if we didn't look out for her now.

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