24: Mistakes

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Whiskey POV

After watching, and listening, to the Disciples' the other night, I felt confident going into the meeting. Shotgun and I learned several interesting things about the Disciples', but the most important piece of information we gained was that they were, in fact, responsible for the missing girls.

As we sat and watched the building, two trucks pulled up and were unloaded and loaded. Although we couldn't tell for sure, we saw what looked like several women getting off the truck, being escorted inside the building. Thankfully, Hawk set us up with all the equipment, and he can enhance the audio and video to confirm our suspicions. They may try to lie, but we know the truth.

The meeting with the Disciples went as expected. They lied, said that they were through with sex trafficking and moving women, and they wouldn't be stupid enough to cross us on our land. Slasher, the president, and Chains, his vice president, swore they had no intention of starting a war with us for our territory. Killer seemed to believe them, and so did I, because despite their stupid decisions, they knew better than to start a war they would never win. However, having them stop trafficking women was another story.

Three hours, and several heated arguments later, everyone had come to an agreement. They could move anything through our territory, except humans. Chains and Slasher excused themselves several times during the negotiation to talk outside. Despite their random interruptions, it seemed all parties came to an agreement.

With this being said, Killer cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. "Now that we have cleared up a few things, it seems only fitting that a treaty is signed between the two clubs," he proposed.

Slasher outright laughed, along with the rest of his club members. He stopped realizing Killer wasn't joking, his face faltered, but only for a moment before he regained his composure. "Are you trying to insult me? A treaty?! Our clubs have never signed a treaty before. We've never had to. A silent agreement has always been enough," Slasher growled.

"Agreed. That was then, but now-"

"Are you telling me that my words are meaningless to you!" Slasher seethed, cutting Killer off. "Don't your fucking dare question my word!"

Killer stood up, only an inch or two taller than Slasher himself, while everyone else geared up for an all-out brawl. No one moved, or breathed, not wanting to put everything we had just agreed to and worked for up in flames. The Devils' Disciples can fly off the handles, making impulsive decisions, but today could not be one that day.

Before anyone could stop her, Tiger stepped between the two, setting down a round of shots. Handing one to each, and hanging onto one herself. "Easy there boys, no need to get all hot and bothered, now is there? Simply put, it would be in everyone's best interests to sign a treaty, holding all parties accountable. Both clubs have a lot to lose if one were to break this agreement. Now take the shot like a man, or be a bitch and walk away," Tiger shrugged. Throwing her shot back, she placed the empty cup on the table and back to the bar.

The discussion of a treaty was no small feat for either side. To have a physical copy to hold both clubs accountable was new, and for good reason. With a gentleman's agreement, there is no paper trail and no way to ensure that one party agreed to what they had said, leaving plenty of room to lie and back-out. However, this was not an agreement we will make without a proper treaty. The Disciples didn't 100% agree with the treaty; however, they agreed to look it over and get back to us. None of us were holding our breaths.

During the meeting several Disciples eyes drifted towards Tiger and Kayla, and that did not sit well with anyone. The number of times Ace scared away another guy, or pulled Tiger into him, showing his dominance, was too many to count. Kayla handled every look, grab, and call on her own, as I stood by, unable to help.

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