2: Forgiveness

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Whiskey POV

I feel like shit.

Last night, the image of Kaitlyn's bruise was all I could think about, even after laying into the guy in the shed. Just like my past, this is my fault, but this time I have to face Ace and Killer. As a Phoenix Rider, we expected you to own up to your faults, decisions, and mistakes, and this is mine to own up to. There is no hiding here.

By lunchtime, everyone gathered at the clubhouse, and the place buzzed as they waited for the others to come home and celebrate. Taking my place behind the bar, I made drinks for the ladies, while the brothers grabbed their own beers.

Eventually, I settled down at a table with Tiny, Gears, Ginger, and Tiger. They were laughing and smiles all around, and I tried to take part, but I was too nervous. The others could tell and tried their best to pull me from my thoughts, even Tiger.

A roar of motorcycles pulled everyone's attention towards the door and we knew our brothers were home. Killer was the first in as Blade, Shotgun, and Ace followed closely behind. Ginger ran to Blade, and the waterworks started.

Tiger sat on the edge of her seat, legs bouncing, as she waited for the shit show to start. Killer and Ace beelined for Kaitlyn and right away, Ace noticed something wrong. Tiger's eyes weren't as bright as they normally were. Ace shot me a death glare, and I know I'm fucked.

"Stop, Ace," Kaitlyn said, stepping in front of him. "Look at me. I didn't stop when I should've and that's on me, not him."

Killer walked over to the table as I stood up, knowing that letting Kaitlyn take the blame is worse than owning up. "There was an incident at the bar last night. I handled it, but I wasn't fast enough and Tiger got caught in it. I'm sorry, brother," I apologized. Ace pulled Kaitlyn into his chest, refusing to let go for the next few days.

I want what they have. To feel at peace. To know how it feels to be loved by someone so fiercely the nightmares and ringing in my ears stop.

"The guy is in the shed. He's all yours," I confirmed.

His grip on Tiger tightened as she tried to keep him calm by rubbing her hands in circles on his chest. I don't fear my brothers, but Ace is the exception. He is the one Rider everyone fears, everyone except Tiger, and for good reason. When his eyes turn black and his hellhound takes over, no one stands a chance.

Ace nodded, inspecting the bruise on Tiger's face, and carried her into the kitchen, out of sight. I let out the breath I was holding, but quickly held it again as Killer stared at me.

"My office. Now."

Following Killer, I closed the door behind me. Killer sat down, looking exhausted and pissed. "I left you here to watch her Whiskey. How the fuck am I supposed to leave her here again?!" he yelled.

"There's no excuse. It should have never happened. I'm sorry, prez. You don't trust me and I don't blame you," I demurred.

"You're right. I don't trust you right now, not with Kaitlyn. But honestly, I'm not the one you need to worry about," he grunted.

I nodded, leaving the office and Killer to his anger. Tiger sat with an ice pack to her face, sandwiched between Tiny and Gears. She didn't look at me as Tiny nodded towards the shed where Ace was waiting for me.

Keep it together, Whiskey. You've been through worse, and this is your punishment.

Opening the basement door, they strung the guy up from the rafters, and Ace covered in blood. It's not a pretty sight, it never is. We aren't savages, but for the women we loved, all bets are off. Especially the Hellhounds woman.

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