3: New Friends

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Kayla POV

Sunlight filled the hotel room, waking up in time to get ready for work. It's been a week since I got here and apartment hunting was not going well. Turns out websites lie, friendly managers are a turnoff, and there is a limited supply of apartments in the area. But there is one more I plan on checking out after work. Third times the charm, right?

However, I found a job at a local diner with friendly staff who didn't ask too many questions and gave me the hours I needed. It's not my dream job, but it lets me stand on my own two feet, despite my parents' warnings. Constantly reminding me how living on your own is difficult, especially starting over in a place you don't know. I may not have had a complete plan when I got here, but I have one now!

Walking into the diner, I heard a cheery Lily greet me. "Hey Kayla!"

Lily is the biggest reason I jumped at the opportunity to work at Redemption Diner. She always has a smile on her face and would help me even when we're busy. Everyone here loves her and I can't help but love her, too.

"Hey Lily," I waved.

Redemption diner isn't a typical 50s style diner seen in the PNW. Instead, it's a bit modern with black and white designed floors running throughout. Dark wood paneling encompassed the front of the bar and bottoms of the booths which sat against the windows. The dark blue booths and chairs complimented the opposing black and white walls. The bar faced the open kitchen, allowing diners and staff to interact as they watched their food being made. It was simple and small, but always packed and the place to be, even at two in the morning.

As a twenty-four-hour diner, it slowed down at night, but never fully stopped. Apparently, the local motorcycle club comes in and enjoys the food late into the night, when most of the customers have gone. I haven't worked the overnight shift yet, so I haven't met the club yet, but I'm not sure I want to.

Walking out from the back, I found Lily helping a group of older ladies, so I wiped down the counters until she had a moment. Today's my last day of training and as excited as I am, I don't want to mess up too badly, making it harder for the other's. Instead of training for two weeks, Lily let me complete it in a week because of my previous experience in a coffee shop.

Lily handed the ticket to Pop, the chef, before making her way to me. "Alright, so today is your last day of training, although you don't need it," she said, nudging my shoulder, wiggling her eyebrows. "Is there anything you need more clarification on or want extra practice with?"

"Can you shadow me while I take orders and ring people up?" I asked.

"Of course!" Lily beamed and thus began my eight-hour shift.


Five hours later, I had spilled nothing and wrote only one order incorrectly. The balancing act of dishes became easier, and both Pop and Lily seemed comfortable enough to let me take my own orders as the lunch crowd came in and the diner filled up.

Grabbing my notepad, I approached a group of ladies who all wore the same vest and logo except for one who wore a tank top instead. They all looked young, and about my age, despite one being pregnant. I asked how they were doing and took their drink order.

I placed drinks in front of them, and the pregnant woman with brown hair stopped me. "How do you get your hair so red?! I love the fire and spunk!" she exclaimed.

I let out a breath, worried I had messed up. "Honestly, I use a couple of boxes of red dye and a prayer. Sometimes we're left looking more orange than red, but it's definitely a lot of upkeep."

My shoulder length, curly, fiery red hair is a statement piece and something I love. It gives me a sense of confidence, which I needed in a new place like this.

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