52: Rules

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 Whiskey POV

Listening to Kayla repeat the rules broke something in me. Rules are used to control them, having a hold on them for the rest of their lives. The Devil's Disciples sink their teeth into women quickly, with constant reminders of obedience, and it doesn't take long to break them.

I slowly turned Kayla around, tears streamed down her face, and my heart broke. I said nothing, knowing nothing I could say would take away her pain, and rinsed the soap out of her hair, massaging her scalp. Turning off the water, I grabbed her towel, wrapping her in it, and kissed her cheek.

Glass green eyes fluttered open, with pain searing behind them.

Kayla dried herself off, and I grabbed two shirts, putting one on myself, and the other on Kayla. It covered enough while still giving me a small show, but I didn't want her to be uncomfortable, and offered her some shorts. She shook her head no, so I sat Kayla on the counter, her feet in the sink as I combed her fiery red curls I loved.

She looked to her right at the mirror, and her eyes met mine. I held back a question, but I couldn't anymore.

"I have one question, then we never have to talk about it again," I promised, putting the brush down, and forcing my hands at my side, afraid to make the wrong move. Kayla gave a small nod.

"Did they touch you?"

I waited as Kayla's wheels turned, spacing out, staring at the mirror. "I didn't have sex with them, if that's what you're asking," she confirmed. I let out the breath I held. "But yes, they touched me."

"Small touches at first, but in the makeshift rooms, they would make me undress for them. Touching my thighs, neck, arms, or waist, but never sex," she said shakily.

There was more to it, but I promised I would drop it and I will. For now. She turned around, sitting on the edge of the counter, and I captured her between my arms. Her breathing labored as her eyes wandered over me, wondering what I would do next.

I didn't move, wanting her to show or tell me what she needed. Time stood and I couldn't tell what she was thinking, or where her head was at.

"Kayla, look at me, love," I whispered. Slowly, her eyes found mine, and I prayed my next words helped not hurt her.

"Some people need control to feel superior and, therefore, create rules to obtain that. However, respect is the purest form of power and you hold more power than they ever will. Rules can keep people safe, but if they don't, you break them."

Green eyes stared at me, working through my words. Fighting every ounce of what she was repeatedly told for weeks. Slowly, life came back into her body and I could breathe again.

"What rules do you have?" she timidly asked.

Smiling, I held out my hands and helped Kayla off the counter, telling her to climb into bed. She settled into the bed and I grabbed boxers to put on. Glancing at the mirror, I caught Kayla staring at me and smirked. Dropping the towel, I heard a small gasp and knew despite everything she was still in there. I just have to pull her out a little at a time.

Climbing into the bed, I pulled her into me, holding her hands in mine. "You want to know about my rules? I have only a few rules, which may add or evolve, but three core ones," I said.

"Trust your instincts.

Protect women and children at all costs.

You do what you have to for family."

Kayla smiled, slowly nodding her head, as though she were repeating them to herself. "I think those are excellent rules to live by. Everyone has guidelines, or something to live by, and I think everyone should. Following your own rules isn't the hard part; it's following others," she breathed.

"I think you just solved the riddle, Miss Kayla," I smiled. "Just because someone else believes in something doesn't mean you have. Don't let the past keep you from growing or changing what you believe," I encouraged.

"Thank you, Whiskey," she said, snuggling further into me.

"You're welcome, love. Now, I have different rules for other things, but those will come later," I smiled.

"What if I want to know them now?" she asked, staring at me, almost as a plea.

I sighed. "There are different rules with sex, but all for safety and to ensure that all parties are comfortable, safe, and consensual, beforehand," I stated, hoping Kayla's curiosity would get the better of her and she would ask further.

"Back in Greece, the night we, you know, explored," she said nervously, "you had rules. Rules like those, or different ones? If someone doesn't follow them, does that mean they can't have you?"

Greece was one thing, but this is a world I have not fully exposed her to. However, the little she has seen she has handled incredibly well. Kayla deserves to know and understand the world I love and choose to take part in.

"Some people take part in BDSM. Have you ever heard of it, or know anything about it?" I asked, holding my breath.

Kayla didn't answer me right away, her wheels turning, eyes darting around the room, nervous. Grabbing her hands, I rubbed the back of them, soothing her nerves.

Finally, she looked at me and answered. "Bondage, discipline, dominance, submissive, sadist, and masochist. There are different fetishes, or whatever, that people like to play into," she said, finally looking at me. "That night a few weeks ago you gave me directions and asked me to call you sir, which is part of BDSM, right?"

Not what I was expecting. Always full of surprises, aren't we Miss Kayla?

I nodded, unable to speak, hoping this conversation would lead to something tonight.

"Pain is usually involved either as punishment or for fun, which I don't understand. There's more I'm sure, but that's all I can think of," Kayla confirmed.

I rested my hand on her wrist, keeping track of her heart rate. It spiked as she talked about different aspects of BDSM, and when talking about pain, nervous about that aspect. When her mind wandered to whatever she was thinking about, she bit her lip and smirked.

"Yes, some of what you said is true, but not all of it," I acknowledged. "Pain is given or received with consent; always. I do not use pain for the sake of inflicting pain on another, but to stress the pleasure my partner will feel after. However, it is used for punishment as well, as you experienced the other night," I mused. Kayla's cheeks heated at my words.

"Not every dom/sub relationship is the same, and not everyone views it as one person receiving all the pleasure. Often a dominant will feel pleasure simply by pleasing their submissive, like me," I said. "Yes, I am human and have needs, but I receive them in many ways."

Kayla's desire to learn excites me in more than one way and the way she wiggled in my lap told me she was excited too. I want to show her exactly how my world could bring her a pleasure she's never experienced before.

It was a few minutes before Kayla spoke again.

"Show me."

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