56: Memories and Mistakes

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Kayla POV

Sunlight filled the room, and I turned over, not wanting it in my eyes, but stopped. Tight, sore muscles kept me where I was, unable to move. I slowly uncurled my legs from another body, groaning the entire time, and eventually made it to my back.

Opening my eyes, I glanced over at the clock. Noon?! Did I forget to set an alarm? Do I work today?

A hand wrapped around my bare stomach, causing me to suck in a breath. I'm not wearing anything...

My mind raced with memories of last night. Whiskey took control of my body, pleasing me in ways I never thought possible. He set the pace, knowing what my body needed before I did, and it was addicting. I was wet all over again, thinking about the way he filled me, fulfilling all my needs and desires. The thoughts had me wishing I could experience it all over again.

A small growl pulled me from my thoughts. I turned to find Whiskey staring at me like he could tell what I was thinking. Smirking, he pulled his hand out from under the blanket, and I felt the warmth leave me. His fingers were coated with something wet, and suddenly I realized why.

Burying my head in the pillow, I could feel my cheeks reddening as embarrassment took hold of me. A dark laugh resounded next to me. "Love, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Tell me," he whispered in my ear, turning me on more. "What exactly were you thinking about just now that got you so wet for me?"

I didn't look at him as his hand made its way back to my dripping-wet center, my body instantly leaning into his touch. Whiskey's fingers continued to circle my clit, causing my head to spin, and forget my aching body along with the question he asked me.

Whiskey suddenly stopped, and I groaned, wishing he hadn't. Fingers pulled my chin from the pillow and locked eyes with desire-filled ones.

"Answer my question, Kayla," he said.

"I-I don't remember what you asked," I answered honestly.

A small smile formed on Whiskey's lips, and the longer I stared at them, the more I wanted them on mine. Tasting him again.

Was it only a few hours ago I tasted him? Why am I like this? He has opened the floodgates, and I pray he's ready for me now.

"I asked, what were you thinking about that made you so wet for me," he teased, inching his lips closer to mine.

"Oh, um," I paused. Looking at Whiskey made me even more nervous and hot again, so I opted for his chest. "I was thinking about last night," I mumbled.

He trailed his lips over my neck, his breath making my hairs stand up and shudder. "Keep going," he encouraged, his lips finally meeting my hot skin.

"And how you made me feel. My muscles are tight and sore, but I don't regret it and wish I could experience it again," I admitted, sucking in a breath as Whiskey gently bit down on a sensitive part of my neck.

"Good girl. Now let me hear you scream and let it all out," he commanded, finding my clit again, and I did as I was told. Leaning into his touch, I could feel myself on the edge, already worked up from the dirty thoughts I had thought of. It didn't take long before my body shook and Whiskey's name left my mouth.

Twenty minutes later, Whiskey washed me clean and left me to get ready for the day. Claiming I am "too distracting" for him and that he will get nothing done if he keeps helping me. After getting ready, I headed downstairs, needing something of substance to eat. Other than Whiskey.

I momentarily forgot Tiger and Ace came back from their honeymoon early, but I didn't expect them to be here. As I turned the corner I saw everyone was up and the smell of breakfast caught my attention. I've learned that it doesn't matter what time the Riders wake up. Breakfast is their first meal; always.

Sitting at the counter, talking to Whiskey, were Tiger and Ace. They must have come late last night and didn't want to wake anyone. Walking over, Whiskey saw me, turning everyone's attention to me. Kaitlyn smirked, standing to hug me, causing Dakota to get up and greet me, too.

"Hey," I smiled. "What are you doing home so soon?"

Tiger laughed, sitting back down with Ace and casually petting Dakota. "Kayla, as soon as we found out they found you, we hopped on the first flight back. We talked about taking a small trip to make up for it, but there's still so much to do with the house," Tiger sighed. Ace and Whiskey shared a look I didn't quite understand, but I wasn't about to ask. 

"Where is everyone else?" I asked, noticing some key people were missing.

"Well, while you two were busy making babies," Tiger teased, and my cheeks instantly burned. "Ginger was busy having a baby. Born at 3:27 a.m., 6 lbs 8 oz, and SHE is beautiful," she beamed at us.

"Aww, I already love her and know you will spoil her beyond belief," I laughed, knowing it was true. "Not to mention the most protected little girl ever. Have they decided on a name yet?"

Tiger smiled, but kept her lips sealed, promising Ginger she wouldn't tell anyone before they made the announcement later. Whiskey rolled his eyes, and I realized we never talked about kids before. Not that it's a first date or even a first-month kind of topic, but it's usually discussed before having sex, and we didn't.

What if he doesn't want kids? Or already has one? I should have asked that before last night. Shit...we didn't use protection! WTF is wrong with me? Whiskey hasn't told me he loves me, let alone wants this to work long-term. But I don't want to think about life without him or the Riders. They have given me more than I could ever imagine, and leaving would be heartbreaking. What if Whiskey doesn't do relationships? How do I ask him all this?

My intrusive thoughts continued the longer Tiger, and the others, talked about the newest member. Whiskey seemed disinterested in the news, adding to my panic. He soon placed a plate of breakfast in front of me, and I sat next to Tiger as she rambled on about the honeymoon.

I wanted to pay attention, but my mind was spinning out of control, and nothing would stop it. 

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