17: Kisses

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Kayla POV

I thought Whiskey was going to kiss me. He didn't think I noticed him inching closer to me as I sat on the couch playing the game with Hawk, who is a hysterical and fair opponent. While we played, Whiskey kept watch. His gaze never left me. After I beat the game and said goodbye to Hawk, I saw Whiskey staring at me. His brown eyes took me in, he leaned towards me, and I thought he was going to kiss me. But I was wrong.

In an instant, everything changed. Whiskey changed. His warm brown eyes turned cold and determined. He instructed Tiger and I what to do, handing both of us a gun, and Tiger grabbed Ginger as we all hid in the back bedroom.

This is insane Kayla! What the fuck are you doing?! You're holding a gun, helping people you don't totally know, and Whiskey expects you to help without question. You told him you would help in any way possible....smooth Kayla. Smooth.

We gathered everyone in the bathroom, and Tiger closed the door behind her, after calming down Ginger, who was having a panic attack. We took our place by the door and pulled out the guns.

She glanced over at me, slightly shaking. "You can stay in the bathroom, Tiger. It's okay," I whispered.

"No. I signed up for this life, Kayla. Not you. You should be in the bathroom, not me. If you want to, I don't blame you," she whispered back, switching off the safety and standing firmly in front of the door.

"I fucking hate guns," she mumbled.

"They're not my favorite either."

"I'm assuming you know how to use one, and you told Whiskey, or he would have never handed one to you," she said, nodding towards me and how I stood.

"Not wrong," I disclosed.

Tiger let out a small laugh, smiling. "Whiskey notices everything, especially with you."

The first gunshot rang out. Tiger flinched beside me, biting her tongue, preventing a scream. Five minutes passed of constant firing, shots getting closer, and footsteps came towards us. Fear and nerves left her as the protective Tiger came out in full force.

Shadows and footsteps stopped in front of the door. Tiger looked over at me, raising her gun, signaling me to wait, not wanting to shoot our guys.

The door slowly opened and two men stood in the doorway, raised their guns, and fired. But so did we, and it was all a blur. I don't know who fired the first shot or the last, and I didn't expect a third man to appear.

My body froze, staring into his black eyes. Those eyes...I know those eyes.

He raised his gun, aimed at me, but he wasn't the one who fired.

It isn't my body lying on the ground, motionless.

It wasn't my soulless eyes, but his I stared into.

Someone appeared in the doorway. But neither Tiger nor I moved. Looking up, I saw a shirtless and worry-filled brown eyed Whiskey staring at us, not moving himself. The movement beside Whiskey, however, caused us to raise our guns, but a bleeding Tiny appeared. Tiger left to help him and me alone with the bodies and Whiskey.

My eyes cast downward, but a body pulled me towards them, forcing my head and eyes to the muscular chest in front of me. "Don't Kayla. It's okay, it's okay. I'm so sorry," Whiskey whispered into my hair, taking the gun from my hands.

After that moment, all I wanted to do was forget. Forget those eyes staring back at me. Forget the bullets inches from me. To forget everything except Whiskey's warm lips against my forehead. The one good thing to come from all of this.

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