14: The Cabin

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Whiskey POV

The car ride was tense. Tiger was anxiety ridden, Ginger worried sick, literally, and the others grew tired and fell asleep. They knew the drill. This wasn't their first time, but under these circumstances, it was different. Except Kayla. Our eyes would meet occasionally, her green ones filled with fear and curiosity, but she said nothing.

Thankfully, Killer didn't ask me to stay at the clubhouse because I didn't know what I would do if he asked me to stay. Unable to keep Kayla safe and within my reach.


My phone rang, and I saw Killer's name on the screen. I excused myself from the house and told Tiny and Gears to watch the ladies while I went outside.

"They're coming in the next few hours. I need you to stop by the clubhouse, pick up the other old ladies, and get them out of here," Killer's voice strained as he growled at me.

This was bad.

"Which safe house are we going to?" I asked.

"None. Hawk thinks they have compromised our safe houses, amongst other things. Or something I don't know. The kid was talking computer again. Bottom line, we're shit out of luck," Killer stressed.

"I can take them to the cabin. It's safe and there is plenty of room," I suggested, hoping he would say no and my safe spot would stay just that; safe.

"Take them there if you think it's safe. I'm trusting you, brother. Ace and Blade are staying here...Tiger and Ginger don't know. I know you can't keep them in the dark, but the less they know, the better. I'll let you know when it's safe to come back," Killer said, ending the phone call, and I let out a breath.

Hiding something from the old ladies is one thing, but from Tiger and Kayla, is a nightmare. Killer worried and the thought of his sister and a nonmember being in our hands was not an ideal situation. I realized I am the only one out of Tiny and Gears who has any sort of military training and experience, putting me in charge. Responsible for every choice and action we take from this point on.


Two hours later, we arrived at the cabin. I told the others to stay in the car while I do a walkthrough, ensuring everything was how I left it and no surprises. Taking my gun from the glove box, I felt green eyes staring at me, but ignored them, and headed out.

Walking around the perimeter of the house, nothing looked out of place, outside and in. I placed my gun into the waistband of my jeans as I approached the car. Opening the SUV doors, Tiny and Gears got all the luggage while I ushered the women inside.

Rachel, Rane and Haley took a guest room with a king bed where they could all fit comfortably. Kayla, Tiger, and Ginger sat on the couch exhausted, but refused to sleep. The cabin only has three rooms. Even with the guys and I rotating sleeping on the couch, one woman would sleep alone, and knowing the others it would be Kayla.

Thirty minutes later, Ginger said she would try to get some sleep and made her way to the front bedroom. Tiger grabbed a blanket from the couch, wrapped herself up in it, and sat next to Tiny on the couch. Her worry-filled eyes pierced through mine, and I knew she wanted answers.

"Talk. Now," she demanded.

I shifted my gaze to Kayla. Killer didn't want the ladies to know too much, but he would never tell a nonmember like Kayla. Tiger rolled her eyes and looked at Kayla, who sat on a barstool in the kitchen.

"She won't say anything, Whiskey. You and I both know that," Tiger noted.

I sighed, "They came early and your brother wanted to make sure everything goes smoothly before you return."

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