47: Treat or Trick

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Kayla POV

Over the next week, we bounced from one place to another, with seemingly no rhyme or reason. They continually divided us, sending us in different directions, only for us to see the same people a day or two later. After the first two days, I gave up trying to figure out what their plan was, or the purpose behind them moving us around.

However, watching parents cry themselves to sleep and scream at the men for taking their baby broke me in a way I never thought I could be. Even after everything I've been through. Their cries reminded me of the moment my mom saw my brother's body in the driveway. My dad tried to shield her from seeing the damage and mangled body, but he was too late. Her scream rang out in the house, waking me up, and I ran down the stairs. Before I reached the bottom, I saw my dad holding my mom in the driveway through the window above the door. Behind them, I saw a body covered in blood and knew instantly who it was. I never saw his face, but I knew.

My world ended that day as I sat on the stairs. I didn't move for hours as I tried to come to terms with what happened. The police came, questioning everyone, including me, but I had no words. The paramedics checked me and said I went into shock and didn't know when I would come out of it. Honestly, I don't think I ever did.

Every time a child cried, or their mother, I closed my eyes and tried to block it out, but eventually, I couldn't. All I could do was lean into it and comfort those in need and pray we all got through this in one piece. At one point, a girl who couldn't have been over 12 found me sitting by myself away from the others and joined me.

The brunette girl sat next to me, pulling her knees into her chest, as silent tears fell from her eyes. They forced her mom to leave with the others a few hours before. Until now, she stood in the same spot in shock and denial. There was nothing I could say to make her feel better, but I wanted to show her she wasn't alone.

Reaching out, I grabbed her hand and gave a gentle squeeze. Her brown eyes met mine, and I gave her a gentle smile to reassure her.

"I don't think I can keep doing this," she whispered, afraid to be heard.

"We can do this. This is a game they play to break us down, but they always bring everyone back," I assured her. So far, they brought everyone back, but that didn't mean things wouldn't change. However, for her sake, I hoped I was right.

She shook her head and sighed. "No. I mean, this isn't the first time they've taken us. I would rather kill myself than watch my mom go through this again, knowing there is nothing I can do to help her."

It never occurred to me that some women here have been here before and for much longer than I have. How can people allow themselves to be here? Or are they just unable to escape the Disciples? From where I am standing, only one option seems possible.

Inspecting the girl, I realized she wasn't crying because she was scared, but because she was tired of fighting the same fight and the results being the same. Things have to change. Not just for myself, but for everyone here, who feels stuck and as though there's no way out. The Phoenix Riders can change this; I can change this.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Amanda," she piped up. "And let me guess, your next question is how old I am."

I laughed and nodded. "Well, if anyone asks, I'm nine. However, I'm actually thirteen. Yesterday was my birthday," she informed me. "The younger kids get left alone until they're 'old enough', so my mom told me to lie."

"She sounds like a smart woman, and I think you take after her," I smiled. "When we get out of here, we will celebrate. All three of us. But first we have to find a way out," I huffed, looking around.

Despite changing locations, the guards never changed. Yes, they took shifts, but there wasn't one square inch of this place that wasn't being watched. Making it difficult to do anything but sit and be consumed in your thoughts. Unfortunately, instead of spying attention the last few days, I had disassociated to the extreme and remember nothing until this morning.

"You know, you get this look when you think a lot, like your eyebrows pinch together and you just look mad," Amanda commented. Not wrong. "I know what you're thinking. As many times as I've been here, I've never figured a way out. I mean, let's be real. We don't even get to pee alone, let alone sneak off anywhere without being noticed," she huffed, crossing her arms.

Looking at her, I couldn't help but smile. Clearly she put a lot of thought into this, but then again I couldn't blame her, being stuck alone, wishing you were somewhere else.

"The only time we aren't being closely watched is during transportation. Too bad we're never transported all together anymore," Amanda sighed.

My mind raced with ideas, wondering if any of them were even possible, but before I could say anything, Razor stalked towards me, and Amanda scurried away. Standing up, he roughly grabbed my arm and walked me outside where a black SUV waited for me, along with Slasher. He opened the door and gestured for me to get in. Taking a quick look around for any landmarks, I climbed in.

They placed something over my head, preventing me from seeing anything. So much for finding markers. We drove for over an hour by my count. When we stopped, the bag came off, and I stood in front of a very large estate. Looking around, there were guards at every corner, with earpieces and guns. Razor and Slasher led me inside and I thought the warehouse was bad, but this was a living nightmare.


Thirty minutes later, the makeup artists and hairdresser stepped away, allowing me to change into the dress that was picked out for me. The bright red dress was stunning, but far more revealing than I wanted. The off the shoulder sleeves added to the already deep V, exposing most of my chest, and a long slit went up to my hip, not allowing me to wear anything underneath. I felt used and pimped up for what I thought was a party.

Slasher knocked and opened the door, staring lustfully at me, making me squirm in my skin. He held out his hand, and I had no choice but to take it and keep breathing. I just about threw up when I saw a large crowd and a spotlight directed at me. All the air in my lungs disappeared as reality sunk in.

This isn't a party. It's an auction, and I am the prize. 

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