35: Brick Wall

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Whiskey POV

The night passed with ease, but Killer seemed on edge at dinner and I didn't know if it was because of what happened with the wedding or Kayla.

After we ate lunch, Tiger, Ace, and I had a meeting with the venue and kitchen where I would cook the food. When we got to the venue, the meeting quickly went downhill. Despite me meeting with them a week prior, ensuring everything would be ready, it wasn't anymore. Chairs were delayed and probably not coming. They were one bouquet short for the bridesmaids, and the reception area still hadn't found a table long enough to fit the amount of people Tiger wanted.

One meltdown from Tiger later, we made it to the kitchen to double-check all our supplies and meet the two chefs who would help me this week and the day of the wedding. It was going fine until I met my one and only chef. He couldn't have been older than 18 and looked like he was the dishwasher, not a professional or trained chef. At that point, Tiger left the room and Ace tried to tell her it would all work out, but she wasn't having any of it.

Shotgun stepped out to make a few calls to other supplies on the island that may have enough chairs, while Gears and I debated on what to do about the chef situation.

"I know it's not ideal," Gears sighed. "But is it possible?" he asking, looking at me like I was some fucking genie.

"Possible. You think he can prepare and cook a five course meal under pressure for Tiger's wedding?!" I exclaimed. "Are you blind or drunk?" I asked, trying to remain calm, not wanting Tiger to see how nervous I really am now.

"Neither. I'm just saying, maybe if you work with him this week, he could be of use. You're a fucking genius in the kitchen, and if you can teach me to cook simple shit, then you can teach him too," Gears suggested.

Ace and Tiger walked back in, no longer upset, but anger written all over their faces. Great, the happy couple is fighting. This is becoming a nightmare, and it's not even my wedding. I will do the traditional MC wedding. Backyard, BBQ, Riders only. Done and done.

"Ok, since you clearly cannot do this all on your own, Whiskey, I will come and help you this week as much as possible. Hopefully, we can prepare enough ahead of time. That way on the day of the wedding you don't have so much to do," Tiger stated. Ace did not like the idea of Tiger in the kitchen, or doing any work, for her wedding and I agreed completely. For once.

I plastered on the best fake smile I could muster, wanting to assure Tiger we would make it work without her help. "No way! Gears here volunteered to help me prepare and train the new guy over there!" I exclaimed.

"What?!" Gears yelled. "When did-"

I rammed my elbow into his side, while Ace glared at him, in which he promptly shut up. "Right, right. I asked Whiskey to teach me how to cook to impress the girls a while back and now is the perfect time," Gears surmised, looking at an unconvinced Tiger.

She stared at us, unconvinced, but thankfully Shotgun came in with good news distracting her from the food situation. Shotgun found enough chairs for us, and they ensured they would be at the venue tomorrow. The missing bouquet was being attended too, and we all let out the breath we were holding. Now, the only problem left was the tables and food, but there is no way in hell Killer wouldn't find a solution before nightfall.

We all headed to dinner, stressed and worried about the problems we hadn't solved, and less than a week away from the wedding. However, once we reached the top of the stairs, my stress melted away as my gaze found Kayla. Watching her sit with the others, talking to them as though she has always been part of the group, made me happy. Mostly because she is making my family hers.

Ginger wanted to ask why the others looked stressed and upset, but now was not the time. So she raised her empty cup and quickly got the dinner party started. Despite the lighthearted evening, something felt off with Kayla and I prayed it was because she was tired and not because of Killer or something I did.

Walking back to the villa, I grabbed Kayla's hand, needing to be near her, but she slightly pulled away before stopping herself. I wanted to ask her what happened while I was gone, why she is slowly pulling away and distancing herself, but not with everyone around.

Outside of our villas, I gently pulled her towards mine, hoping I would talk to her, but she stood her ground. Not wanting to force her, I pulled her into me, kissed her forehead, and said goodnight.

In the villa, the guys gathered in the game room playing a game of pool and drinking. It took everything in me to not call Killer in front of the others, but when he noticed my anger, he followed me to a spare bedroom.

"What the fuck did you do, Killer?" I seethed. "Kayla hardly said two words to me when I came back, doesn't want to hang out with me, and I know as well as you when I left she was fine!"

Killer stepped up to me, pinning me with his look. The one telling me I have overstepped my bounds and am about to pay dearly for it. "Don't you dare question me," he thundered. "I am the President of this club and I will do what I damn well please to keep it safe. Even if it means your fuck buddy's feelings are hurt! You're being blinded by her and not seeing what is going on."

My anger rose and headed spun.

What does he mean I'm not seeing everything? The wedding will be perfect, everyone will make sure of it. Kayla seems to be upset, and hiding things, but we know it's the Devil's Disciples' making her nervous. We solved our problem with the Disciples' and they will no longer be a problem in our territory. Hawk is back home, monitoring them just in case. But he reported nothing while I was here.

"For someone as smart as you, you looking like a fucking idiot right now," said Killer. "Take tonight, sort yourself out, and in the morning if you haven't come to your senses, or figured it out then someone is going home. I don't care which one of you it is," he claimed, and left, joining the others and their game.

I headed to my bedroom and cleaned it. Nothing was out of place, but I needed to regain control, and this is how I do it. Thankfully, Kayla wasn't here or the bedroom would look very different. Just thinking about her, in my bed, following my directions, gave me pleasure. A pleasure I clearly don't deserve right now. Right now, I need to concentrate and figure my shit out before Killer sends me home.

Two hours later, my phone rang.

Ace: Your girl is outside by the water alone. Fix this shit, or I will.

Putting on some sweats and a hoodie, I headed for the beach. Standing alone near the water's edge was Kayla, staring at the waves, as if they mesmerized her. I stood next to her silently, waiting, hoping she would tell me what was on her mind.

Silently, she reached for my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine, squeezing them. Despite whatever happened between the two of us earlier, I knew I would make it work. 

Kayla and I spent the next thirty minutes watching the waves and holding hands. It's the first time in years I held hands with a woman. Once upon a time I did, but after leaving the Army I was never the same. I desperately want to share with her why I am the way I am, but something stopped me.

Next to me, Kayla shivered, and I pulled off my hoodie to put it on her. She refused, but I pulled it over her head, forced her arms through the armholes, and down her curvy body.

"Let me take care of you," I pleaded.

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