16: Pulling the Trigger

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Whiskey POV

Everyone had gone to bed hours ago except Kayla and my brothers, who came back inside from guard duty. Tiger fell asleep in the armchair, not wanting to miss out on anything, but her body quickly gave out.

I convinced Hawk to buy the game and play with Kayla since I didn't know the first thing about this game or how to play, but Hawk did. Watching Kayla play her game, in sweats and her hair in these two bun things, was one of the hottest things I have ever seen. I tried to keep my eyes on the game and not on her. Every time she laughed at what Hawk said, I wanted to put her lips on mine.

Hours later Kayla beat the game, and Hawk began cursing on the other end of the headset, saying how he got his ass handed to him by a girl. A smile glued to my face, proud of her. Kayla isn't mine, but after tonight I'll be damned if I let her go.

She said goodnight and looked around, laughing. "You know you didn't have to stay up with me. Everyone else kinda lost interest."

Looking around, she was right, and I hadn't even noticed as she and her game enamored me. "I don't mind. I'd watch you play every night in your sweats with a big smile on your face. Besides, technically, I'm still on protection duty. Tiny should be too..." We both glanced at the passed out Tiny and smiled.

"In his defense, today was a long and exciting day. I've seen no one as invested as Tiny and Tiger in a card game before. I thought for sure a fight would break out," Kayla snickered.

"Wouldn't have been the first time," I assured her.

Our eyes met, and her demeanor shifted. Her body shifted closer to mine during the game and so had I, intentionally. Wanting, needing to close the space between us. Now, sitting inches apart, feeling the heat of my body, she seemed nervous.

"Kayla-" I paused, noticing movement from the corner of my eye.

Kayla's eyes didn't leave mine, but she could tell something was wrong.

"Take Kaitlyn, two Glocks from the closet, and stay in the bedroom with the others. Do I make myself clear?"

Kayla simply nodded, gently waking up Kaitlyn, as I woke up Tiny and Gears not so gently. I handed Kaitlyn and Kayla two handguns and neither of them questioned me or my direction, despite the fear. Their protective instincts kicked in and headed to the bedrooms.

"What's going on?" Gears asked.

"Movement outside. Probably thirty meters out in the tree line. I don't know how many, but I don't plan on finding out. Tiny, take the front door. Gears inside by the back door. I'll be on the roof. Our only job is to keep the women safe," I stated.

After handing out weapons and earpieces, I took my place on the roof and scanned the area, trying to see how many people there were. Pulling out my phone, I texted Killer, telling him what was going on. As he replied, I found my first target and didn't have time to respond.

I didn't hesitate. Didn't think twice. I pulled the trigger, and all hell broke loose.


"Nice shot."

"Two more on your left."

One. Two. "Not anymore"

I started sweeping from left to right, pausing at a young boy. He couldn't have been more than twelve years old, holding a semi-automatic. And I paused.

That pause killed good men.

And it should have never happened.

I promised myself that I would never hesitate again. Never question my choices. My actions. Because when I did, that's when I put the people I loved in danger. It's what killed my brothers in arms.

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