66: Insanity

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Whiskey POV

Tiny explained his plan. It was fucking insane, but it might just work. The idea is to gather enough weight to counteract mine and switch it out for me. Only Tiny would think some shit from Indiana Jones would work, but I will try anything.

"Alright," Tiny breathed, dropping the heavy bag of flour next to me. "This is all the flour and rice in the diner, and some pots and pans as well. Are you sure you weigh 192? Because if you got fat after the wedding, then now is the time to admit it," he smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just get this shit over with," I mumbled.

Tiny and Gears grabbed the bags as Ace and Killer stood by, ready to pull me out of the booth. I shook my head, "Ace, Killer, go. We don't need more casualties than necessary." They didn't move. "If you die, Tiger is alone. Now go," I ordered. They looked at one another, agreeing, and left.

Once they were safely on the other side of the street behind the trucks, I nodded to Tiny and Gears. They picked up the bags, and Tiny leaned over from the booth behind me, ready to place his bag down as I inched closer to the edge of the bench. Once the first bag was on, we all paused, holding our breath, but nothing happened. Tiny handed Gears the second bag, his eyes never leaving my seat, as he held out his hand, ready to yank me if needed.

About halfway off the bench, Tiny was in the middle of placing a bag on when we heard a small click. We froze, and time stopped. All I could hear was the pounding in my chest, and the thought of dying, and leaving Kayla alone, terrified me.

"Fucking throw that shit on and let's get out of here!" I yelled at Tiny.

Gears grabbed my hands and nodded to Tiny, who dropped the bag and yanked me out of the seat. We all tensed, waiting for the explosion, but it never came.

Tiny got off the booth and smiled, hugging myself and Gears. We breathed a sigh of relief, but then we saw it. A bag wasn't fully on the bench and was slowly falling.

"Run," I whispered.

We bolted for the door, and I made it to the street before the blast knocked me forward, sending me headfirst into the pavement. Heat radiated off my back, and I tried to get up, but a wave of nausea hit me, and my vision went black. I woke up to Kayla asleep, clutching onto me for dear life.

A week after the explosion and near-death experience, Kayla hadn't left my side, afraid I would disappear. But I am here to stay. My nightmares returned, waking up in a cold sweat, thinking Kayla was sitting on the bomb as it exploded. But each time I woke up, Kayla was right there with me, awake and telling me she was unharmed, and kissed me back to sleep. What she didn't know was that half the time I couldn't hear her because of the ringing in my ears. It hadn't subsided since the explosion, but I didn't want the others to worry.

I tried to sneak out of bed, but Kayla popped up, worried I was having another nightmare. She sheepishly smiled, as I brushed her messy red hair from her eyes, and noticed my shirt barely covered her thick thighs. I want those beautiful thighs wrapped around me. Now.

Leaning in, I kissed her, whispering, "Good Morning, love." She pulled me back for more, whimpering, when I pulled away. "I could use a shower. Join me?" I asked, knowing she would.

Kayla nodded and started the shower, making sure it was cool enough for my burns. Cold showers aren't enjoyable, and Kayla likes it scorching hot, but she hasn't complained once about it. Or when she has sponge bathed me multiple times.

The only reason Doc let me out of our makeshift hospital is that Kayla promised I would take all my meds, change my bandages twice a day, and clean them as well. She willingly offered to help, and since hadn't left my side, taking her job seriously. A little too seriously.

Heading downstairs, everyone looked battered and miserable, and I heard Tiger. Which meant she was yelling. Oh, no.

"Look, if you want something other than what I give you, than fucking make it yourself!" Tiger yells, standing in front of Shotgun, shoving a plate of scrambled eggs and burnt sausage in front of him. Shotgun smiled politely and picked up his fork, eating small bits of the food, showing Tiger he would eat it without complaint.

"I'm done!" she yelled. "If anyone else wants food, you're on your own! I don't want to hear a single fucking complaint about how there's 'no food in the house,'" she quoted, looking around at everyone.

It remained silent as she went upstairs, but paused seeing Kayla and I. "That doesn't include you. You never complain about my food," she signed poorly. "However, today you're on your own. I'm going back to bed." 

Tiger headed upstairs, cursing under her breath the entire way up. I smiled to myself. Tiger isn't a morning person, and she was trying her best to help, but the brothers were testing her limits.

Kayla grabbed us coffee, and I sat with Killer, Blade, Ginger, and Shotgun, groaning in pain. I looked at them, hoping they would have some answers, but their faces said we still had nothing on Carter. He went underground, and there's no telling when he'll resurface again.

Never if he's smart.

Kayla sat down and kept the conversation light. Ignoring the multiple elephants in the room, which pissed me off. Tension was high, and I knew it was my fault, so I excused myself and went to the kitchen.

They look at me like I'm helpless, but I'm not. I am just not fully functioning...yet. Doc said I'm progressing, and should heal in the next week or two. But if I don't heal soon, the likelihood of Carter disappearing for good is high, and if that happens, I can't keep my promise to Kayla.

Opening the fridge, it was bare. Tiger wasn't lying about not having food in the house. Closing the door, Kayla stood in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest, giving me a fantastic view of her breasts.

Smirking, I pushed her against the wall, and she gasped, unprepared. Kayla licked her lips as she stared at mine. She snaked her hands through my long hair, pulling me closer until my lips were on hers. Pushing her tongue past my lips, and tasting her was better than any breakfast I was about to eat.

Pulling away, Kayla was panting, and rubbing her legs together. I knew if I were to touch her, I would find a soaking wet pussy. Doc said to take it easy and to stay off my back for a while, but he didn't say I couldn't take care of my woman.

Dragging my thumb across her bottom lip, Kayla moaned, and I laughed. "I know, love. I'll give you five minutes to get undressed and think about what you want. If you fail, I get my way with you," I said darkly.

Kayla nodded. "Okay," she signed, and my heart leapt out of my chest. She smirked and scurried upstairs, eager for what was to come, making my cock twitch.

Does she know sign language? How did she-Tiger. 

I told Killer I would be upstairs healing if they needed me. But they all laughed, knowing damn well what type of "healing" I would be doing, and headed upstairs. 

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