39: Wedding Day

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Whiskey POV

Today is the day; Tiger and Ace are getting married.

Unable to sleep, I got up around 4 a.m. and headed for the kitchen. The quiet, clean, organized kitchen cleared my head, and I got to work. Thankfully, Gears kept his promise and helped the sous chef and I get the prep done throughout the week. Now all I have to do is put it together.

Around 10, Billy, the kid sous chef, showed up to help. He couldn't have been older than sixteen, but everyday he came in ready and eager to learn anything and everything. Teaching him the last week has been rewarding for both of us and gave me some peace, knowing he would be completely in charge today.

Gears stopped by around 12 to help with the simple shit, but after a while he was useless and we both had to go get ready. I left Billy with a long to-do list, praying he wouldn't fuck it up, otherwise it was my head.

Everyone was waiting for us at the local hotel, where we were getting ready. Ace and the others sat half dressed, talking and drinking, as though the wedding wasn't hours away. I could only imagine if Tiger, or Ginger, walked in and saw this. They would lose it.

A few hours later, there was a knock on the door and Shotgun returned with a small gift and a note for Ace. Ace has never shown emotions until Kaitlyn, and he cracked just enough for us to see how madly in love he is with her. Smiling, he put the card and gift away and stood up, ready to get married to the woman he loves, and nothing will stop him.

Soon enough, we filed out of the room and headed to the venue. Our friends and family were there waiting for us on the beach and the nerves finally kicked in. Lanterns lined the aisle and green foliage filled with colored flowers. Killer stood waiting under a circular archway with the same foliage, clearly not ready to give his sister away. The entire ceremony was beautiful, but my mind was elsewhere.

Scanning the crowd, my eyes immediately fell to an emerald, floor-length gown with a very high slit, and a deep v-neck showing off the most beautiful woman here. Kayla. Embarrassment and desire took hold of her and it took everything in me to stay where I was and not claim her right there in front of everyone.

Thankfully, the orchestra started playing and everyone's attention turned to the bridesmaids walking down the aisle. I, however, lingered on Kayla, refusing to miss a moment of her here with me. Everyone stood as Tiger walked down the aisle, with Tiny and Gears on both sides. Since Killer was performing the ceremony, she wanted her little brothers by her side.

Tiger looked beautiful, smiling from ear to ear, and I could not be happier for her. Standing in front of Killer, she held back tears, but when her eyes met Ace's, a few slipped, and he quickly wiped them away.

There was no need to ask who was giving her away, or if anyone opposed it, because everyone knew better than to stand in the middle of these two. Killer went through the short and sweet version of whatever he was supposed to say, then Ace and Tiger said the vows they wrote to one another. As a romantic, deep down, their vows moved me and almost everyone, including several of my brothers, to tears. They were personal and I hope one day I will find someone who makes me feel loved. Someone like Kayla.

"Now," Killer boomed, "for the not so professional part. Ace," he said, staring him down, "Kaitlyn is my sister and I will do anything for her, but now she is your primary responsibility. You will take care of her, no matter what, because that is what a Phoenix Rider and husband do. I don't care if she pisses you off, annoys the fuck out of you, or becomes loud and bold with you; you will treat her with respect and love every day. You will wipe away her tears, make her laugh, and show her how much love she deserves, because I know she will give you everything she has tenfold."

Everyone knew Killer meant every word, and Ace shook his hand, giving him a silent nod in agreement. He then turned to Tiger, not letting her get off that easily.

"You, ma'am, I know you are a strong-willed, button pushing, independent woman who doesn't take shit from anyone. Including myself and Ace." Everyone laughed, knowing it was true. "However, now that you have a husband, you are no longer alone or independent, and you have to let him take care of you. I'm not saying lose who you are, but grow into someone new with someone who loves you more than anything. Respect him, treat him as an equal, and listen to him."

Tears fell as Tiger pulled Killer into a bear hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Killer straightened himself out and said, "Now, I think it's time for what we all came here for!" Some brothers hollered excitedly. "So, without further ado, I now pronounce you man and wife. Ace, kiss your bride!"

Ace wasted no time pulling Tiger into him, declaring for everyone to see exactly how much he loved her, kissing her as though no one was watching.

I hooted and hollered as they made out for all to see, knowing how damn happy they both were, and I couldn't be more happy for them. Once they pulled away, Ace picked Tiger up bridal style and carried her down the beach away from everyone to have a moment alone together.

The rest of us stood there, unsure of what to do. Eventually, the wedding planner directed everyone to the reception area for appetizers, while the wedding party took photos with the bride and groom. However, I hung back, waiting to steal away my woman.

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her towards the ocean, staring at the way her body moved in her dress, hugging her in all the right places, drawing my eyes to her hips and chest. All I want to do is show her how fucking gorgeous and special she is to me, but now was not the time. Later, love, you will be mine.

We stopped a short way from the others, and I couldn't restrain myself any longer. Moving her hair, I kissed her jaw and to her neck, and Kayla relaxed in my arms. Squeezing her hips, a moan escaped her red lips, which I quickly consumed with my own. Kayla didn't fight for dominance this time, and willingly let me take control, which made me far more excited than it should have.

"You look fucking beautiful and it's distracting. I couldn't concentrate on what Killer said because someone was distracting," I teased. Kayla blushed and looked up at me. Learning that hiding wasn't an option anymore. "I have to go take pictures, but I'll see you at the reception. Save a seat for me." Kayla nodded and kissed me one last time before walking away, swaying her hips as she went.

I tried to adjust my tight pants, but Gears came running up the beach looking for me. I met up with him and with one look, a huge smile spread across his face. Shit. Gears couldn't hold back and laughed. "You might want to take care of that because I don't think Tiger or Ace will appreciate your dick appearing in all their photos," he snickered.

"Fuck you. It's not my fault Kayla is looking sexy. I would take care of it, but I don't think they'd appreciate that either," I mumbled, trying to fix myself.

"Start thinking about your grandma naked or something because we need you, brother," he laughed, walking away.

I tried to think of a naked old lady, or walking in on Blade and Ginger sucking, but it wasn't helping. My phone buzzed in my pocket and a text from an unknown number popped up.

Unknown: Hope you're enjoying your vacation. See you soon.

That text sobered me up quickly. This fucker is messing with my family, and he needs to know exactly what happens when he messes with family.  

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