60: My Turn

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Kayla POV

Whiskey wanted to distract me, but I wanted more information about Carter.

"Maybe while I think you could tell me how you know Carter and why he wants me?" I ventured to ask, hoping he would give me something.

Whiskey let out a breath, leaning back with his arms behind his head, flexing his perfect muscles, making concentration difficult. "He blames me for the IUD explosion and losing our other brothers. After the explosion, I thought I was the only survivor. I lost everyone that day, or I thought I did. In his mind, I left him, but the reality is I didn't know," Whiskey explained.

I didn't know Whiskey was the only survivor of his unit, and knowing you're the lone survivor is more of a curse than a blessing. We both understand loss and what it truly means to be a survivor. It means you live with constant nightmares, guilt that it's you alive, wishing it was you and not them, but knowing you can't change it.

"It's not your fault," I assure him, placing my head on his chest, and laying down.

"I know," he said, playing with my hair. "Now, enough stress and thinking. I want to know exactly how you want to be pleased tonight."

His voice had me dripping, but I didn't know what to say. Do I suggest something I am interested in, or something we've done in the past I enjoyed? Maybe if I ask him what kind of dominant he is, we could do something we both enjoy.

"So I did some research," I started, and instantly Whiskey's hand stopped playing with my hair and tugged my chin up to look at him. His brown eyes bore into me, filled with curiosity. "I, um, I came across the different dominants and I want to know which one you are."

"You did some research, huh? Find anything else while you were looking besides types of dominates?" he teased, laughing. I rolled my eyes but didn't answer him.

"I am primarily a Daddy Dominant but do not treat my submissive as a child. I simply ensure your safety and well-being and make sure punishments are fair and served. There are several things I take pleasure in, but ultimately watching you fall apart is my favorite. When I let you," Whiskey answered, winking, and my face flushed.

"So, if I wanted to please you, that would be out of the question?" I asked, unsure.

Whiskey laughed, this conversation amusing him. "I won't deny you if that's what you want. But know I am demanding and rough with it, so this is your warning," he sternly stated.

The thought of pleasing him, taking what he wanted, turned me on. His hands traveled up my thighs, causing me to squirm against him, and he let out a low growl.

Removing his hands from my thighs, I whimpered, and he smiled. Placing his hands behind his head, he said, "I'm all yours, love."

"I don't know where to start," I admitted, frozen in place. Whiskey saw my hesitancy and took off his shirt, exposing his beautifully chiseled chest and tattoos. Next, he discarded mine, and openly stared at my large breasts, causing my nipples to harden and my stomach to erupt in butterflies.

Still staring at my breasts, he instructed me to take off his pants, and I did as I crawled off of him. Making my way back up his body, I placed small kisses on his abdomen, and he flexed under my touch. My lips met his, and my confidence grew as I felt his hardened member beneath me.

I moved down his body until his large cock stared back at me, and I froze, unsure of what to do. "Walk me through it, please," I whispered, looking up at Whiskey who hadn't moved. Restraining the urge to face fuck me like he wanted.

There wasn't an ounce of anger on his face. Thank God. "As hot as it would be to watch you from this angle, I want you to be comfortable," he said. "Stand up."

Placing a pillow on the floor, he stood with his back against the wall, and fingers motioned for me to stand in front of him. Butterflies returned as he pulled me against him, and I let my hands explore his tattooed abdomen. Between his lips on my neck, and my hands exploring his body, my body melted into Whiskey.

"When you're ready, kneel on the pillow," he whispered, and I nodded.

Slowly, I knelt on the pillow, silently thanking Whiskey for protecting my knees. Watching him play with his large, hard member had me dripping with need.

"We will go at your pace, and I will not force you to do anything or go further than you are comfortable with. However, I will push you," he confirmed. Looking into his brown eyes, I saw him struggling to give me control.

"My hand will be on your head, and since you cannot talk if you need to stop or take a break, pinch my thigh hard and I will immediately stop. Understand?"

"I understand," I said.

"Good. Take your hand and put it on my cock," he instructed, removing his. I placed my shaking hand on him, moving up and down as he had. Whiskey groaned, leaning his head against the wall, closing his eyes. That's reassuring.

Taking a shaky breath, I licked him from bottom to top, swirling my tongue around the tip. Whiskey's hand found my hair gripping it but didn't move my head. Looking up, fiery brown eyes looked down at me, and I could see his need for more.

Placing my lips over his tip, I could taste a mixture of pre-cum and Whiskey, and it was intoxicating. Once I controlled my breathing, I took more of him and felt his tip touch the back of my throat, causing me to gag a little. Instantly, Whiskey pulled me off him, and I sat back on my heels.

"Breathe Kayla. Let's not try that until you are ready, okay?" he said, concerned. I nodded and resumed sucking. I thought I would hate it, but his groans and hand tightly gripping my hair gave me confidence.

Soon his moans were all I could hear, and I didn't think he could get any bigger in my mouth, but he did. He forced me to slow down, controlling my head, and I didn't understand why. "Kayla, if you don't want me to cum down your throat then you need to pinch me now," he bit out, trying to restrain himself, but that's the last thing I wanted.

Looking up, I moved my head faster, refusing to stop now. Whiskey took control of my movements, bucking his hips harder before grunting as his hot seed hit the back of my throat. I sucked him until he pulled me away, and I swallowed.

It tastes salty and sweeter than I imagined, and I didn't mind it one bit.

Strong arms lifted me up, tilting my chin to look at him. "That was the hottest thing I've ever fucking seen," he huffed. I smiled, wanting to kiss him, but didn't think it was appropriate considering what just happened. Whiskey didn't give me a choice as he slammed his lips against mine, picked me up by my thighs, and threw me onto the bed.

"My turn." 

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