6: Unsure

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Kayla POV

"Hey! I'm glad you called!" Tiger exclaimed, picking up the phone.

"Me too. If the offer still stands, I want to try it..." I whispered.

"That's great! I'll tell Killer and send over the address. Does tomorrow afternoon work for you?"

"Yeah, I'll be there. Thank you for everything!"



Meeting Killer and Ace was daunting. I'm the average height for a male, but both men towered over me. Tiger pointed at both of them, sternly telling them to "be nice". A German Shepard puppy came running in and I didn't think he would stop, but Tiger quickly caught him and pointed to her side.

"Sorry. This is Dakota. He's six months old and still working on listening. I hope you like dogs...I kind of forgot to mention we have one," she apologized and I couldn't help but smile.

"I love dogs, so it's perfect," I replied.

I'm sure I looked petrified, standing before these two men, worried they were about to tell me to leave. The older one was the first to speak up.

"I'm Killer, Kaitlyn's brother. Welcome to my home. The second bedroom upstairs on the left is yours for as long as you'd like. Whatever you can find in the kitchen is up for grabs. Just check with Kaitlyn first. There aren't many rules here except that if myself or my brothers..."

"Ahem." Kaitlyn cleared her throat, shooting a look at her brother.

Rolling his eyes, he turned back to me. "Or Tiger, tell you to do something, you listen, immediately. We aren't like most clubs, however, we do not take chances with others or strangers. If you want to go somewhere other than the diner and my house, go with a member. Including going to the clubhouse. Understand?"

"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Got it." I confirmed, holding back a laugh. I laugh at the most inappropriate timed, such as now.

Tiger let out a laugh, while Killer stood stone faced. "Good. Welcome to the Phoenix Riders. As a guest, of course." he gritted out, extending his powerful hand, and I took it in mine.

Ace stepped up, asserting his dominance, which exuded off of him. "I will do whatever it takes to protect my Angel. I don't care who you are."

I nodded as Tiger smirked at Ace. He was protecting her, claiming what was his, in front of me. I don't know him yet, but I know better than to cross him or any of the Riders.

Tiger grabbed my bag as I followed her upstairs, and Dakota followed. She pointed out hers and her brother's room before showing me mine. The room, and the house, was more than I expected. The room held a king-size bed with nightstands on each side. A tv above the dresser which sat on the same wall as the door. An enormous bathroom was off to the right.

Tiger places my duffel bag next to the dresser, which would remain empty, and invited me to dinner later tonight. With that, she left me to "settle in", but before she could close the door, she paused.

"I didn't unpack or unload my car the first few weeks I was here. You're in no rush, Kayla. I thought I would be here for a week at the most, and here I am almost a year later, engaged to the enforcer of the club. This isn't home, to me or to you, but it is a place that will give you a second chance. You can leave at any time with no explanation required either," Tiger quietly said, seeing the uncertainty on my face and understanding my position, and left.

Laying down, I debated what to do. Unpack or not. I opted to not unpack while trying to keep an open-mind about it all, which is the opposite of my family's thinking, and I was struggling. My instincts told me to leave, but curiosity and warmth from a family pulled me in.

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