68: Punishments

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Kayla POV

Whiskey and others left five days ago, and I have heard nothing from them since. I know they left because they found Carter, and Whiskey won't come home until Carter is dead. However, after five days without communication or reassurance, I am panicking.

Knowing Tiger and Ginger have gone through this time and time again helps, along with the distraction of baby Ellie. But at night, sleeping alone in Whiskey's bed, the smell of him overpowers everything, and the urge to please me grows stronger.

Whiskey left me on edge on purpose, and this "punishment" is by far the worst, and hopefully the worst, I will experience. My body craves his touch and control, and without him here, I feel off-center. I never thought I would crave someone the way I do Whiskey. But I do, and if he doesn't come home soon, I may lose it completely.

Five days took a toll on Tiger and me. Tiger's anxiety grew each day Ace and her brother were gone, and Dakota hadn't left her side. Ginger and Blade put Ellie down and went to bed, and so did Tiger.

I sat downstairs, not wanting to spend another night without Whiskey, but after thirty minutes, I gave up. Walking by Tiger's room, her door was open, and her phone lit up her face.

"Hey," she called out.

I stopped and stood in the doorway. "Hey. Can't sleep either?" I asked.

"No. I usually only sleep the first two or three nights. After that, I get a few hours here and there," she said. "Why aren't you asleep?"

If I go to the room filled with memories of Whiskey and sex, I will lose control and give in to my desires. Allowing my hands to travel down my body, watching myself fall apart, finding my release.

Snapping out of it, I shrugged. But Tiger didn't let it go.

"Nice try, ma'am. Why are you avoiding your room?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

Thank god it was dark. Otherwise, she would see my bright red face. "Um...because the room smells like him, and he's not here," I answered.

She nodded in understanding. "I feel the same, but I use it to my advantage," she smirked.

"Yeah, I would too, except, um, I was asked not to," I admitted.

Tiger laughed, "Who said breaking the rules can't be fun too?"

Maybe she's right. Whiskey told me it's okay to break the rules... and if I don't tell him, then he won't know.

Her words rang in my head, and I said goodnight and went to my room. I showered, brushed my teeth, and threw on one of Whiskey's shirts before climbing into bed. The way he watches me intently, soaking in every inch of me, and seeing me in my rawest form, is crave-able. Images of Whiskey's hand around my neck, controlling me, pushing me outside my comfort zone, made me wet.

My hands traveled over my body, pinching my nipples, grazing my hips, and down to my wet core. Dipping a finger in me, I brought it up to my clit, circling it slowly. My eyes closed, and my head fell back onto the pillow as a string of soft moans fell from my mouth. The anticipation of Whiskey's hands on me, pushing me over the edge, sent my body spiraling.

I felt my walls tightening and was about to fall apart, but a low growl stopped my movements. My eyes snapped open, and brown eyes stared at me from the doorway. I'm in trouble now.

"Don't stop on my account, love," Whiskey growled, his eyes never leaving my body.

Whiskey closed the door behind him and stood at the foot of the bed, staring at me. "I had so many ideas for tonight, wanting to give you everything and more. But since you disobeyed my explicit instructions, only you will touch yourself tonight," he teased, smirking.

Why didn't I listen? Tiger had a point about breaking the rules, but was it worth it?

"Stop thinking and start moving before I give you another punishment," Whiskey commanded. "And don't you dare take your eyes off me."

His words set my body on fire, and my fingers slowly started moving again. As I circled my clit, his brown eyes bore into me, seeing me fully exposed, which turned me on more. I dipped a finger inside me, and I clenched around it, causing a moan to escape my lips.

Whiskey took a sharp breath, clenching his fists. Even in the dark, I could see his prominent cock pushing against his jeans, and I wanted to touch him. Picking up my pace, I could feel myself getting close and struggled to keep my eyes on him.

I used my other hand to rub my clit, and I couldn't hold back my cries. "Please," I begged. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

He simply shook his head and unbuttoned his pants, letting them fall around his ankles. I watched with intensity as he pulled out his hard cock and started pumping himself. I watched his slow and steady pace and slowed mine to match.

"That's it, love. Watch me pump my cock, pleasing myself, wishing these were your hands on me. Knowing you chose this," he stated, groaning. I watched him pump himself faster, enjoying himself.

I felt my walls tighten around my fingers. "Whiskey, I'm going to cum," I cried, closing my eyes.

"Eyes on me," he demanded. "I want to watch you edge yourself, desperate to cum. Pump those fingers faster for me, love."

It took a little before I cried out, falling apart, all the while Whiskey watched. Smirking, Whiskey came undone, groaning and bucking his hips, as his hot cum landed on my thigh. My eyes were glued to his cock, wanting to touch him, please him, but I couldn't.

Bringing my fingers to my lips, I licked them clean, hoping Whiskey would change his mind, but it only caused him to growl. I then dragged my finger over his cum and stuck my tongue out, licking it off my fingers, moaning. I want more.

Whiskey smiled, "Feel better?"

I nodded, knowing he promised he wouldn't touch me tonight and couldn't spank me. Whiskey's eyes darkened, upset, with his hands fisted at his sides again, but said nothing. Instead, he pulled up his pants and fixed his hair.

"Enjoy yourself tonight because tomorrow it won't be as pleasurable," he promised. His words had me wet again, but when he walked out the door, he didn't return. I felt alone.

Rules can be broken, and tonight I will enjoy every rule break.

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