10: Unexpected Meetings

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Whiskey POV

48 days until the wedding. I can do this.

Tiger asked me, Killer, Ace, Blade, Shotgun, Hawk, Tiny and Gears, to meet at the house for a meeting. She didn't tell us why, and we quickly realized if she had told us it was about the wedding, we wouldn't have shown up as eager as we did. Which she knew.

We gathered in the living room waiting for Tiger to calm down enough to tell us what she needed from us. She understood we would never hurt her or say no, having little reason to be anxious around us, but this was different. Something was bothering her. Looking at Ace, who stood by ready, staring at Kaitlyn, he knew something was wrong.

"Okay, so I know normally an MC wedding is a small backyard, casual affair, or whatever," Tiger rambled. "But I don't want that. I don't want to get married in the backyard and have a t-shirt and jeans ceremony and a honkey tonk reception, no offense. It's just not me," she said, squeezing her eyes shut.

"What do you want?" Ace asked.

"A destination wedding on a beach, with white sand and beautiful weather. And for the love of God fucking white button-down shirts which you can change out of AFTER the ceremony," she blurted out.

Shock and confusion spread across everyone's face. Kaitlyn, until this moment, had been quiet about the wedding, consumed by anxiety. Now, with 48 days to plan and execute the destination wedding of Tiger's dreams. Worry crept over Killer's face, not because of the wedding, but because the Devil's Disciples are looming in the background, and Tiger doesn't know.

"I know it's expensive and getting everyone there and everything shit is a lot. But...since I was 21 and allowed myself to believe marriage was a possibility for me, it's all I've ever wanted. I don't care if only four people go and we have a huge celebration afterwards back here at home. But I will regret having one here..." she whispered.

Looking around, I understood why she asked for the eight of us here. If not everyone could come, those of us here are all she needs.

Her eyes met Ace's, pleading for him to say that this was okay. That she wasn't asking for too much. Ace pulled her into his lap and kissed her head.

"Whatever you want, Angel," he whispered.

Kaitlyn nodded, looking at her brother for his approval.

Killer doesn't care about the cost, or how many favors he would have to cash in to make it happen. He would do it all for her. There was only one question. "Where are we going?" he asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement and Kaitlyn let out the breath she was holding and relaxed against Ace. "Somewhere tropical and where we can honeymoon away from you all," she said, blushing.

"That is top priority. I'm down for whatever as long as it has multiple islands or is big enough that I don't have to hear THAT," Tiny said, pointing to Tiger and Ace, "ever again."

Everyone burst out laughing, knowing damn well Kaitlyn hates to be embarrassed, but this was an opportunity Tiny couldn't refuse.

We all got to work on different things. Tiger showed Hawk pictures of different places she liked, while he made something fancy to find where the pictures were taken, and if they were available in 48 days. Tiny, Gears, and Blade worked on finding appropriate attire for us. Shotgun and Killer spoke privately, probably about the impending Devil's Disciples problem we have.

I tried to join in on the conversation, but I was struggling. Between my headspace and the ringing in my ear, my head was taking a beating. In smaller groups, like now, I am fine. But not today.

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