53: New Interests

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Kayla POV

The more Whiskey spoke about BDSM and what was behind the curtain, the more I wanted to understand it myself. Everything I know about it seems dangerous and only benefits the one in charge. However, Whiskey made it seem like the opposite was true. I understood what he meant by pain serving as pleasure, remembering the spanking I received, but the thought of pain past that which worries me.

Whiskey's hands stroked my wrists as he spoke, and I couldn't help but replay our night back in Greece and want to experience it all over again. Everything he has shown me and said, up to this point, assures me he is in it for both of us, but there's only one way to find out.

"Show me," I asked.

His eyes lit up, and I knew I just unleashed a whole new side of Whiskey I have never seen before. He slowly turned me around, so I faced him, moving my hair away from my eyes, looking ready to devour my lips and me.

You can do this, Kayla. Remember how good it felt? He isn't like the others and will only do what you ask or say is okay. His rules are to protect you, not hurt you. What are his rules?

"Wait," I breathed, reaching out for Whiskey. He stopped instantly and looked straight at me, clearly worried.

"You never told me the rules for this. Can we just, can we go over your expectations and what I am supposed to do?" I asked, suddenly panicking.

Whiskey smiled and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I let out a breath and remembered he wouldn't hurt me, not on purpose. I just have to remember that.

"Normally, there is a contract a submissive would sign," he started. "It goes everything that may happen between the dom and sub, limits you may have, and your safe words. But tonight I want it to just be us and focus on you. Is that okay?" he asked.

I stared at him, unable to understand why he would want to focus on just me. Doesn't he enjoy being in control? I'm giving him the opportunity and he doesn't want it...does he think I'm not ready?

I shook my head, and Whiskey's eyebrows furrowed. "Thank you for wanting to focus on me, but that's not what either of us needs," I confirmed, sitting up on my knees. His eyes followed me and my movements and I took off the shirt he gave me, letting my breasts out on full display for him. Standing on the bed, I took off my underwear and kneeled back down in front of him.

Whiskey's breathing became labored and his hands squeezed themselves at his sides, restraining himself. The opposite of what I wanted. Placing my hands on his thighs, I leaned forward and kissed him. He didn't move.

Trailing kisses up his jaw, I whispered, "I want you. The real you," I pleaded.

He snapped, and I smiled under his wicked eyes, ready for whatever he had in store for me. I lost my innocence long ago, and now I need to know I am still worthy of someone's love.

Whiskey spent the next 45 mins talking about consent, safety, and every possible sexual activity I may be interested in. We went over boundaries, limits, rules, and, most importantly, communication. I figured we would discuss this once, but he assured me after every scene/time he would check-in, and our agreement can change at any point in time if I so choose.

As thankful as I was for Whiskey walking me through everything by the end of our talk, I desperately needed relief.

Whiskey tilted my head, forcing me to look at him. "I know you're dripping wet for my love, and I love that, but I need you to use your words and tell me you're okay to move forward. You are ultimately in control and we will only go at your pace," he assured me.

I nodded my head, agreeing. His hand lightly smacked my ass, causing me to rub my legs together as the sting faded.

"Words, Kayla," he growled.

Swallowing, I breathed, "It's in my hands and I want this."

Whiskey smiled, kissed my lips softly, but that was the last thing he did softly for the rest of the night.

"Widen your legs," he instructed. Groaning, I forced my kneeling legs apart and instantly felt the cool air against my wet core, and a small moan left my mouth.

This is not how I imagined tonight going, with myself on my knees, bearing everything for Whiskey to see. I've never wanted to submit to someone before, but Whiskey makes me feel safe and I want to give him something in return. Even if I have to hand over control.

Whiskey openly stared at my dripping wet core, and his gaze alone had me wanting to come undone. Desire ran through him, and myself, and I couldn't help but let my own eyes run over his body. Tattoos covered most of his hardened chest and his abs rippled every time he took a breath. His boxers hung low on his hips and the outline of a hard cock was evident. Thinking of his cock inside me had me dripping all over again.

"Look at yourself. I want you to see how beautiful you are," he commanded.

I hesitated, not wanting to see myself reduced to a puddle, but my hesitancy gained me another smack to my ass. My eyes instinctively closed, along with my legs, but he forced them open again, wider than before.

You should have listened the first time... 

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