43: Power Struggle

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Kayla POV

After everyone left, the remaining girls and I spent the day on the beach, tanning and swimming in the crystal clear ocean. Tiny and Gears went everywhere with us, while Ice stayed behind or watched from a distance. Despite enjoying my time with the girls, I wished Whiskey was here to experience it all with me.

We would walk around the small villages, stopping at each bakery we found to try something new. By the third shop, we were exhausted and full. The hills here were no joke and none of us were built like the guys who seemed to make it to the top way before we did every time. However, after two hours, they were slowing down significantly, even though they would never admit to it.

At night we played games, which I quickly learned was not a good idea when Tiny and Gears were involved and no one would referee them. I never thought Uno, go fish, werewolf, or twister could be violent, but they proved me wrong. Everyone knows Monopoly is one game that will destroy friendships and prove that no one can be trusted. They all agreed to make me the banker, since I have no relation to any of them, nor have I played with them before. But what they didn't know is that all bets were off in this game, for I will do whatever it takes to win.

Two hours later Rachel and Tiny were going at it, arguing about the trade they agreed to make a turn before.

"I told you if you gave me Oriental Avenue, then you wouldn't have to pay rent on it twice. Not the rest of the game!" Rachel shouted.

"NO! You said that if I gave you my card, then I didn't have to pay rent, period!" Tiny argued back.

This went on for quite a while before Gears and Lily had to step between them and simply reversed the agreement. "Ok then. No more deals. From anyone," Gears huffed, dragging his eyelids down. I couldn't help but laugh at how silly they sounded compared to what was about to happen.

It was my turn next, and at the end of it I owned all the railroads and one entire side of the board, each with a house on it. Smiling to myself, I looked up and found Haley, Gears, and Tiny, with their mouths on the floor, while Lily and Rachel laughed their hearts out.

"She just schooled us all," Lily choked out between laughs.

"Oh, and there's only $1,000 left in the bank," I commented.

Tiny threw his money up in the air, giving up entirely on the game. Gears stared at the board, trying to figure out how he missed my slow overtake of the board and how I had all the money.

Rachel cracked a smile. "Looks like that trade would have helped you after all," she mused, and Gears gave her the middle finger.

Lily and Raine helped me clean up the game while the others got ready for bed. Now that there were only a handful of us left, we merged into one villa. Not that Killer would've let us stay in two. As everyone got ready, I slipped outside to the deck, pulling out my phone to send Whiskey a text. He hasn't replied to any of my previous ones, and I don't want to keep pestering him, but I couldn't help it. Every time something made me think of Caleb, I wanted to tell him, and so I did.

Tonight playing games with everyone reminded me of my family games nights, or specifically, video games with Caleb when we both couldn't sleep. I was drafting my text when something caught my eye. A man stood near the water, alone, who looked exactly like Caleb. My eyes were playing a trick on me, but I couldn't help myself from seeing for myself.

Walking down the beach, I stopped a few feet away from the man and a gasp left my lips. The man in front of me turned around, and I instantly regretted my curiosity, because this time my curiosity may get me killed.

Before I could turn around and go back in the house, a large hand covered my mouth, holding my body against theirs. I tried to fight them, but it was no use, they had me and now Whiskey was going to pay the price.

As I struggled against the body, they grunted and said, "The more you struggle, the more pain you'll be in later. Whiskey's already going to be in a world of hurt, but how much pain you find yourself in is completely up to you."

He laughed as he carried me up the beach where a car waited for us with Chains, Devils Disciples, inside. They threw me into the backseat with him, while Razor slammed the door shut and got in the passenger seat. The man I thought was Caleb before got in the driver's seat and waited for directions.

Chains held out some rope and a hood. "We can do this the easy way, or Razor here can hold you down while I tie you up. Up to you," he said.

Looking at the other men in the car, I knew there was no way out, and I really didn't want Razor anywhere near me, let alone touching me. I held out my hands and looked at Chains who smirked.

"Good choice."

With that, my world went black and something nasty was placed over my mouth, causing me to choke, cry, and fight back. Before I could do much, my world faded to black, and I realized I never sent the text to Whiskey and wished I had.


"How much did you give her?" a voice asked.

"What I normally give people," another answered.

"You mean how much you give a grown ass man?!" they growled.

"Maybe? Look, she's here, isn't she, and in one piece? You're welcome. Next time you do it yourself, Slasher," they said, and walked away.

I sat in silence, trying to get my eyes to open, and body to move, but nothing was happening. The longer nothing happened, the more frustrated I became, but quickly grew tired, and gave up letting out a sigh.

"I didn't think you'd give up so quickly," stated a voice, causing me to jump and let out a small shit. They laughed, knowing I was helpless, and they held the upper hand. I sensed movement beside me. Footsteps got closer to my left and stopped just short. Their breath tickled the left side of my face. It smelt like a mix of old cigarettes and beer.

"You know, I always imagined Whiskey being with a strong woman. Someone like Tiger. Guess he prefers a submissive who follows the idiot down whatever path he goes," he commented and walked away, closing a door behind him. Now I was alone and angry.

I am not some submissive bitch who does whatever someone wants, nor will I ever. Clearly, they don't know Whiskey or what he prefers in the bedroom, unless everything we have done was a front, but I choose not to believe that. Either way, I am alone and my mind instantly went to Whiskey. He may think he knows the Disciples, but he's wrong, and I can only hope he steers clear of them before he becomes their next victim. 

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