Leo's Daughters Are Born

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Synopsis: Leo and Lizzie start to remember about Lindsey and Zorra being born.

Leo and Lizzie were watching a movie that night while the girls were in bed sleeping. Leo broke the silence as he started chuckling.

"What's so funny Leo?!" Lizzie asked.

"Oh nothing much babe, I was just remembering the time when Lindsey and Zorra were born!" Leo said as his wife layed her head on his shoulder.


Leo was with Lizzie right now, she gave birth to two eggs and they've had already fallen asleep that night.

"I can't wait for our eggs to hatch tomorrow!" Lizzie said as she kissed Leo on the cheek.

"Me neither baby!" Leo said.

The next day...

Leo and Lizzie woke up early, their eggs were hatching today. The first egg started to break open already and their was a cute little turtle that came out.

"Awww Leo, look at her she's so cute!" Lizzie said as she picked her daughter up.

"Babe how did you know it's a girl?!" Leo asked as he started to chuckled a little bit.

"I can tell because her shell is like mine!" Lizzie said as Leo thought of a name for her.

"We should definitely name her Lindsey!" Leo said.

"That's perfect!" Lizzie said as Leo heard their second egg hatch and their was another little turtle.

"Well hello there little cutie! I'm guessing that this one is also a girl and Zorra is a beautiful name for this one!" Leo said as he picked his daughter up. She opened her eyes and smiled at her father.

"Aww you are the most beautiful turtle I've ever seen!" Leo said as Zorra licked his cheek.

"Awww daddy loves you too Zorra! And you too Lindsey!" Leo said to both of his daughters. Zorra's shell had an star on it.

"Our daughters are so beautiful!" Lizzie said.

Flashback Ended

Leo started to have tears in his eyes as they were happy tears.

"Aww Leo why are you crying tears of joy?!" Lizzie asked.

"That moment about our daughters being born it just makes me thinking about it!" Leo said as his wife kissed him on the cheek.

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