Don't Put The Blame On Me

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Synopsis: Cody ruins his dad painting that Mikey spent working on for weeks now. Cody starts to lie and put the blame on his big sister Gabby.

Mikey was putting the finishing touches on his painting that he'd spent working on for weeks and he actually loved it and put a lot of work into it.

"Perfect! Just a few more finishing touches." Mikey said as he left the living room and went to go get some thing from his bedroom.

Cody, Kate and Frankie were running around the house and laughing and playing tag but they stopped and sees a painting. Cody always wanted to be like his dad and become an artist.

"Cool! Looks like dad's been working on this painting for weeks!" Kate said as Frankie nodded in agreement.

"It looks perfect!" Frankie said.

"Yeah it is Frankie! But it looks like dad is almost done with this one he's the best artist in the whole world, wouldn't you agree Cody?" Kate asked when Cody was about to draw on the painting.

"Cody what are you doing?" Kate asked.

"I wanna finish daddy's painting I'm sure he wouldn't mind if..." Cody said as he drew on the painting with a sharpened pencil and the pencil caused it to ripped. Kate and Frankie gasps at what Cody did and they their dad was gonna be mad.


"Dad is not gonna be happy about this when he sees that big rip on the painting!" Kate said as Frankie agree with her sister. Cody didn't want to get in trouble for what he just did.

"Well maybe I can fix it!" Cody said as he made it worse by rubbing his arm on it but apparently the paint was even dry yet. Kate shakes her head while Frankie facepalm herself on the forehead. This was not good at all not even for Cody.

"Cody you've made it worse! Imagine how dad would react to this he's gonna be really disappointed in you little bro!" Frankie said.

Cody gulped as he started to imagine what his dad will think right now.

Mikey was really angry about his painting that he'd spent working on for weeks and now his youngest son Cody ruined it.

"Daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Cody said as he tried to apologize to his dad but was cut off.

"You've ruined my painting it took me weeks to get this done and now you ruined it! You're the worst son ever!!" Mikey yelled at Cody as he started to cry thinking that his dad doesn't love him anymore.

"I'm sorry daddy" Cody said as tears stream down his cheeks. Mikey held up his hand in front of his son's face.

"I don't wanna hear it Cody! You are no longer my son!" Mikey said with an angry look on his face.

Cody was afraid that his dad was gonna hate him for this. He didn't know what to do now, Cody heard footsteps right now and beginning to think his dad was coming he'd hide the pencil behind his back. Kate and Frankie were pretend to mind their own business and watched TV.

Mikey gasps and dropped his art supplies on the ground and he sees the big rip on his painting.

"Kids do you know what happened to my painting?" Mikey asked concerned.

"Gabby did it! She started to draw on your painting with a sharpened pencil and caused it to rip like that!" Cody lied as his dad went to go to talk to Gabby. Kate and Frankie narrowed their eyes at Cody.

Unfortunately, Mikey got mad at Gabby for something that she didn't do but she tried to tell her dad that she didn't do it and he didn't believe her so he grounded her for a month.
Kate and Frankie were playing bored games in the living room while Cody was watching TV when they see an angry Gabby coming into the living room.

"Alright! Which one of you ruined dad's painting?" Gabby asked her siblings as Kate and Frankie looked at each other then pointed at Cody who gulped and looked nervous.

"Thanks a lot Cody now because of you dad grounded me for a month! I tried to tell him that it wasn't me but he didn't believe me!" Gabby yelled.

"Face it Cody! You're gonna have to tell dad the truth!" Kate said as her sisters nodded in agreement.

"I can't do that! He'll hate me forever if I'd told him that I did it!" Cody said.

"You know what! If you won't tell him then I will!" Gabby said as she started to walk to her parents bedroom but Cody jumped on Gabby and tried to stop her. Gabby and Cody started fighting each other when Mikey came out of his bedroom and sees them fighting and he stopped them both.

"What are you two fighting about?" Mikey asked as Gabby crossed her arms and glare at Cody.

"Go ahead Cody! Tell dad what you did!" Gabby said with a smirk smile on her face right now as Cody gulped and looked nervous. Mikey looked at Cody.

"Tell me what?"

Cody couldn't lie again and he sighed and told him the truth.

"Daddy...I was the one who ruined your painting not Gabby!" Cody said.

"Cody why? Why did you lie to me like that?" Mikey said as Cody started to have tears in his eyes right now.

"I'm sorry dad....I was so scared that if I told you about it you wouldn't love me anymore it was an accident I didn't mean for it to happen!" Cody said as he was crying into his hands thinking that his dad would never forgive him. Mikey smiled and picked him up and kisses Cody on the forehead.

"Cody I'll always love you and you should have told me the truth in the first place I could never hate you!" Mikey said as Cody looks up at his dad.


Mikey smiled and nodded as he continued to hug his son back.

"I love you daddy!"

"I love you too Cody!"

Gabby, Kate and Frankie thought it was cute and Mikey told Gabby that she wasn't grounded anymore now that Cody told him the truth. But Cody promise his dad that he'll never lie to him again.

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