Donnie's Kids Are Born

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Synopsis: Donnie and his wife Amanda start to remember about Alex and Delilah were born.

Donnie and Amanda were tucking their kids into bed. Since Alex is the only boy he had his own room and Delilah would always want to sleep with her parents whenever she has nightmares.

"Goodnight Delilah!" Amanda said as she kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"Goodnight mommy!" Delilah said as she let out a yawn and started to go to sleep. Amanda would always leave the door open a little bit because she knew that Delilah was afraid of the dark.

Amanda was out in the hallway as she waited for Donnie. He closes his son's bedroom door.

"Alex knocked out?!" Amanda asked.

"Yep! He knocked out like a light!" Donnie said as they both chuckled at the moment. They've looked at their kids babies pictures that were hung up on the walls.

"It's really nice to look at the kids baby pictures!" Amanda said as Donnie nodded in agreement.

"Especially when they were born!" Donnie said.

"They were so cute and so little too!" Amanda said.


Donnie and Amanda were having eggs early this morning as Amanda was in labor.

"Donnie I'm scared!" Amanda said as her hair was in a mess and was crying right now. She couldn't push out her second egg.

"I know you are babe! You've got this I'm right here with you!" Donnie said as she started to squeeze her husband's hand hard enough.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Amanda scream in pain. She pushed out her second egg.

"Aww Amanda our eggs are so perfect!" Donnie said.

"Yeah! I wonder what they'll look like when they hatch!" Amanda said as she let out a yawn. Donnie knew that she must be very tired from giving birth.

"Babe you should get some sleep!" Donnie said as they cuddle on the couch together.

"Yeah you're right!" Amanda said as she started to fall asleep and Donnie was as well.

The next day...

Amanda got up from the couch, she was about to get a drink but all of a sudden she heard and look over at the eggs.

"Oh my gosh! They're hatching!" Amanda said as she started to wake Donnie up.

"Donnie! Donnie wake up!" Amanda said with excitement as he started to wake up.

"What's wrong Amanda?!" Donnie asked his wife.

"Our eggs are hatching!" Amanda said as Donnie started to get excited about it.

Both of the eggs hatched at the same time, the cute little turtles came out of the eggs.

Amanda picked up the first little turtle while her husband picked up the other one.

"I can tell that this one is a girl!" Amanda said as her daughter had a soft shell like her dad's and she had lavender spots on her arms.

"Delilah is the perfect name for her!" Donnie said as Amanda agree with him.

"And I'm guessing that this one is a boy! We'll name him Alex!" Donnie said as he looked at his son. But Alex didn't have a soft shell like his sister because his shell was different.

"I'm so happy about this Donnie! Our kids are so beautiful!" Amanda said.

"Definitely I agree with you on that Amanda!" Donnie said.

Flashback Ended

Amanda and Donnie we're getting into bed as she snuggle with her husband.

"I love you Donnie!" Amanda said.

"I love you too Amanda!" Donnie said.

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