Zorra's First Scar

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Synopsis: Zorra gets a scar while she fights her rival Avery.

Zorra was ready to fight her rival as she pulled out her mystic tessens, while Avery was wearing black darkness gloves with sharp claws on them.

Zorra's uncles and cousins were all nervous about this, even her dad too as Leo started to sweat and hoping his daughter can handle it on her own but she was only 11 years old. She jumped up high in the air and punched Avery in the face, which causes Avery to bump into Zack and which lead him to the other side of the volcano stadium.

"Zorra! Red hot lava, getting close, let go of pressure!" Zack said as her older sister Lindsey was able to save him.

Avery used her darkness black gloves to scratch Zorra, but she jumped out of the way. Until, Zorra used her mystic tessens to block her moves and jumped onto Avery.

"One chance Avery, end this now and you can walk away!"

"I'll end it by ending you!!" Avery said while she pushed Zorra off of her and all of a sudden Avery scratches Zorra right in the side of her face as her mask fell off.


"Zorra!" Everyone exclaimed as they were worried about her.

Zorra ended up having a one huge scar on the side of her face between her eyes just like her dad. But Leo only had two scars on both sides of his face and his daughter ended up having one.

Avery had an evil smile on her face as she was gonna do it again but Zorra jumped out of the way, only to cause Avery to scratch her aunt.

"Just wait until your mother hears about this!" Her aunt just exploded since she was a skeleton.

"Haha so long Avery!" Zorra said as she thinks that Avery would explode too but nothing happened yet.

"Hey aren't you supposed to explode or something!"

"No! Remember I have my own mystic guitar!" Avery said as she grips on it with her darkness black gloves and it started to fall apart because of the claws on her gloves.

"Well that stinks!" Avery said as she exploded too.

After the fight was over, everyone else went back home. Leo put a hand on Zorra's face as she hiss in pain because of that scar she had on the right side of her face.

"Looks like you got a scar just like me Zorra!" Leo said as Zorra laughed.

"Yeah dad but it's just one scar though!" Zorra said as her family started a group hug all together.

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