I'll Never Let You Go

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Synopsis: Gabby has a fear of heights and she doesn't want to jump down from the windpipe of the ceiling. Luckily, Mikey was there to comfort his daughter.

Skateboarding wasn't really Gabby's least favorite hobby. Her cousins Alex, Riley and Zorra were into it as much as Gabby is. Because she's afraid of heights and never gotten to face her fear of them, Gabby wanted to try it but she was just too scared.

"Oh yeah!" Alex said while he was skateboarding down the ramp. While, Riley and Zorra were watching him as they cheered him on.

"Nice move Alex!" Riley said as they did a high five together.

"Thanks! Uncle Leo taught me that move!"

"That's why my dad is so much fun! He great at skateboarding! Okay Gabby you're turn!" Zorra said as she looked at her cousin. Gabby looked scared she was sweating and her knees were shaking like wild.

"Um, no thanks! How about you go next?" Gabby said as she laughed nervously.

"Why? Are you scared?"


Riley and Zorra started to tease her as they figured that she was scared.

"You are scared!" Riley said as Zorra started to laugh hysterically. But Gabby started to stand up to her cousins.

"Fine! I'll prove it to you that I'm not scared!" Gabby said as she started to put on her helmet and safety gear on before going down the ramp. She started to get nervous when Gabby looked down of the ramp and started to put on a brave face on.

"Okay Gabby, you've got this!" She thought to herself as she went down the ramp on her skateboard. Riley, Zorra and Alex were impressed by it.

Gabby was skateboarding way too fast, she couldn't stop because she didn't know how.

"Oh no!" Gabby said.

"Gabby, you gotta stop!" Riley shouted out to her.

"I don't know how!"

Gabby gasps as her skateboard fell all to the ground but she grabbed on to the windpipe of the ceiling. She looked down and she was way high up from the ground. Her cousins looked like tiny ants from down there. She was afraid of heights but she can't get down.

"Gabby, you're gonna have to jump!" Riley shouted out.

"I can't do that! I'm afraid of heights okay and I should have told you guys that in the first place!" Gabby shouted as her cousins didn't know that and felt like this is their fault.

"Hang on tight Gabby! I'll go get uncle Mikey, he'll know what to do!" Zorra went to go get Mikey and everyone else who could help.

Gabby's heart was beating fast and she heard something from the windpipe and she looked up and sees that it's starting to break but she started to sweating and cry at the same time.

"Oh my god! No." Gabby was freaking out she was really scared.

Meanwhile, the boys were playing Hot Soup The Game in the living room while their dad was asleep in his own bedroom.

"No cheating Raph!" Mikey said as Leo was reading a Jupiter Jim comic book and Donnie was on his phone.

"Ha! Little man, I'm not cheating!" Raph said as they heard Zorra burst through the door and called for them.

"Uncle Mikey, we need your help! Quick! Gabby got stuck up in the ceiling and now she's holding on to the windpipe!" Zorra said.

"Where is she?"

"Follow me!"

They all begin to follow Zorra and sees that Gabby is holding on to the windpipe. Mikey knew that his daughter is afraid of heights but he had to save her.

"Donnie, you got something that can get me up there?" Mikey asked his smartest brother in the family.

"Of course!" Donnie said as he pulled out a jetpack for him. He put it on the back of his shell and turned it on as he flew up there in time.

"Gabby, you're gonna have to jump and come to me!" Mikey said as he held out his strong arms. But she was too scared to do that.

"Dad, I can't do it! I'm scared!"

"Yes you can sweetie! You've got this just jump!"

Gabby tried not to look down but it was too late and she got scared again. She started to have tears in her eyes.

"I can't!"

Mikey started to have a frown his face and he'd always been there for Gabby even when she's afraid of heights but he loves his daughters and his son no matter what. Besides his daughter Frankie was born with powers everytime she would get angry at something during in a fight she loses control and starts to yell but luckily Mikey would always be there for her to calm her down.

"Gabby, look at me sweetheart!" Mikey said with a smile on his face as she looked at her dad.

"I'm right here! And I know that you're scared but I will catch you and I'm never gonna let you go! Trust me!" Mikey said as Gabby was smiling and finally let go of the windpipe while she closed her eyes. He'd caught Gabby in his arms and then kisses her on the forehead.

"Oh daddy!" Gabby cried out as she buried her face into his neck and wrapped her arms around him.

"Shhh! Daddy's here! I've got you!" Mikey said as he comfort his daughter in his arms.

As soon as they were on the ground, her cousins apologize to her about being scared and she forgiven them and they all did a group hug together.

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