Please Don't Leave Me Daddy

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Synopsis: The Krang is back and wants a rematch fight with Leo. But Zorra doesn't want her dad to leave her.

Leo took out both his katanas and was to fight the Krang as he started to stand there but Leo had to do everything to protect his daughters, his wife and the rest of his family that he loves so much.

"You think you can defeat me this time, I'll have you know I'm stronger than you." Krang leader said.

"And I'll have you know that I have a family to protect right now!" Leo said.

The Krang leader tried to grab Leo but he missed as Leo did a backflip and the Krang turned around but they both stopped when they heard a voice from behind.


Leo looked and sees his 11 year old daughter Zorra, his eyes were widen but he couldn't let anything happen to his daughter. The Krang had an evil smirk on his face.

"You wouldn't want anything to happen to you're precious daughter now would you?" The Krang leader as he was gonna grab Zorra but Leo couldn't let it happen as he started to make a portal and he was able to defend her from the Krang.

Leo held his daughter tightly as the Krang started to put his foot on Leo's shell and started to crush both of them but Leo started to scream in pain.


"No! Dad!" Zorra cried out as tears stream down to her cheeks.

"Zorra you've gotta get out of here! It's too dangerous!" Leo said as he was still holding Zorra tightly in his arms trying to protect her and he looked at her.

"I'm not going anywhere without you dad!" Zorra said.

"Zorra listen to me, I gotta defeat the Krang but I can't risk losing you, Lindsey and everyone else that I love. But it's gonna be okay, I'll always be with you! But now you've gotta get out of here!" Leo said as he felt that the Krang was crushing them even harder.

"Not without you!" Zorra hugged her dad tightly. She didn't want her dad to go but Leo always been there for her she needed him.

"Please don't leave me daddy! Don't go!" Zorra said.

All of a sudden, Mikey used his mystic weapon nunchucks as the Krang was pulled away from Leo and Zorra.

"Get away from my brother and my niece!" Mikey yelled as he started to fling the Krang to other side of the portal.

"Dr. Delicate touch!!" Mikey had punched the Krang leader right in the face as Mikey gaved Raph the signal to close the door.

"Raph now!"

Raph pulled the key out as the portal closed.

Leo smiled as his brothers were able to save him and Zorra. Now that the Krang was gone.

"You okay leo and Zorra?" Mikey asked as he checked on them.

"We're fine, thanks for you're help Mikey I'm glad I've made you the godfather of Zorra you've definitely did a great job little brother." Leo said with a smile on his face.

"Aww it's no prob!"

Zorra smiled and hugged Mikey tightly as Mikey hugged his niece/goddaughter back.

"Thanks uncle Mikey, I love you!"

"I love you too Zorra!"

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