You Can't Handle A Horror Movie

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Synopsis: when Gabby asks her dad to see a horror movie with Skylett. Mikey says no because he thinks Gabby can't handle it.

Gabby and Skylett were watching a scary movie trailer on TV. They were actually excited for it and they both have to see it.

"Omg! Gabby we've gotta see that movie it's gonna be the best! Ever!" Skylett said as she started smiling and put her hands on Gabby's shoulders shaking her back and forth.

"I know right! We'll both be able to handle this horror movie!" Gabby said as they both high five each other.

"I'm gonna go ask my dad if I could go see it and I'm sure he'll say yes!" Gabby said as Skylett nodded in agreement with her best friend.

Gabby asked her dad if she could go see it. But unfortunately, he said no because he thinks that movie is way too scary for her. Even though, she's 12 years old.

"No Gabby, you're not going to see that movie!" Mikey said with his arms crossed as Gabby and Skylett wonder how did he'd know about the movie.

"How did you know I was gonna ask you that?" Gabby asked as she raised an eyebrow.

Mikey held up his phone in front of Gabby and Skylett. "I just watched the trailer of it on my phone a few minutes ago and I'd figured that you were into movies like this!" Mikey shook his head no.

"Dad please, I really want to see this movie so badly!" Gabby begged for her dad to go see it.

"Absolutely not!"

Mikey left to go watch TV in the living room. Leaving Gabby with a frown on her face. At least Skylett's parents are letting her go.

"Sorry you can't go see the movie with me Gabby." Skylett said as she sees her best friend putting a smile on her face as Skylett had a frown.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"I have an idea!" Gabby said as she rubs her hands together.

It was 9:00 pm, Gabby and Skylett were at the movie theater wearing their jackets and hoodies on. They were next in line to see the horror movie they were about to see right now.

"Gabby this idea was amazing but are you sure you're dad won't found out?"

"Pfft! He won't found out that I see this movie Skylett I'll keep this a secret from him." Gabby said as Skylett shrugged her shoulders and they started to eat some popcorn as the movie begin to start.

They were half way through the movie. Skylett was enjoying it but Gabby wasn't enjoying it she was sweating a little bit and shaking, her hair was in a mess, her heart was pounding fast. But everytime she would squints her eyes tightly as the scary part would come she'd covered her eyes with her hands. 

As soon as the movie was over, Skylett walked Gabby home and ask her best friend if she was okay, Gabby told her that she was fine.

"I'll see you tomorrow Gabby!" Skylett said as she started to walk home.

Gabby slowly step inside the house, and quietly close the door she figured her parents were asleep already. So she went to her room as she tried to go to sleep but she couldn't stop thinking about the movie, she kept hearing things and she fell off her bed and screamed. As soon as she stopped screaming she decided to go get a drink of water from the kitchen.

"Pull yourself together Gabby! Maybe some pizza will help you get to sleep!" Gabby said to herself as she finished drinking her water and put the cup in the sink. She opened the refrigerator and screamed as she sees her shadow on the wall.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" Gabby screamed dropping the pizza on the ground as she slips on it and fall to the ground which causes to wake up her parents who heard the scream from the kitchen.

"What's going on in here?" May said as she turned on the kitchen lights.

Gabby groaned as she saw her parents there she started to act nervous.


"Hey mom, hey dad!"

Her parents had a mad looks on their faces as Gabby sighed sadly. She didn't want to lie to her dad so she decided to tell him the truth about what she did and going behind his back.

"Dad...I went to see the movie even though you told me not to. I was so scared and terrified but you were right I couldn't handle it and I'm not ready for horror movies yet!" Gabby said she looked up at her dad.

"I can't believe you would deliberately disobey me like that Gabby!" Mikey said as he started to become disappointed in her.

"I'm sorry dad!" Gabby hugged her dad and Mikey sighed, he couldn't stay mad at Gabby but he loves his kids with all his heart.

"I forgive you sweetie but you are grounded for two weeks!" Mikey said as Gabby nodded. Everyone went back to sleep but Gabby wanted to sleep with her parents tonight.

"Dad, can I sleep in here tonight?"

"Sure Kiddo!"

Gabby got into her parents bed and started to fall asleep in her parent's arms.

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