Father And Son Bonding Time

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Synopsis: Donnie has been so busy with working on new inventions with his daughter Delilah for weeks. Suddenly, Alex gets jealous and he thinks that his dad doesn't want to spend time with him.

Donnie and Delilah have been spending time together lately, they were definitely having fun building new inventions. Delilah wanted to invent things just like her dad when she grows up. Even though, she was 7 years old but she's still other things just like her cousins Stephanie and Isabelle but Delilah was more into unicorns, rainbows and sunshine. She definitely can't resist glitter and shine things. Her hair was in adorable pig tails even her dad thinks that it's cute and her mom too. Alex likes to read comic books and skateboard just like his uncle Mikey and uncle Leo. His uncle Mikey gotten him a skateboard and he even been giving Alex some great moves on skateboarding.

Alex wanted to spend time with his dad today. But unfortunately, he sees his dad spending time with his sister Delilah and it made him feel jealous as he heard them laughing.

"I really love making new inventions with you daddy!" Delilah exclaimed happily as Donnie hugged his daughter.

"Aww, me too munchkin! And after we're done with this maybe you and me could go get some ice cream how does that sound?" Donnie asked as his daughter nodded.

"That would be great! I love you daddy!" Delilah kissed her dad on the cheek.

"I love you too munchkin!" Donnie said with tears of joy in his eyes and hugged his daughter tightly.

Alex saw this and gotten mad at his sister for hogging dad so much lately and he was starting to get really annoyed by it.

"Ugh Delilah! Stop hogging Dad so much it's getting really annoying!"

Donnie and Delilah sees Alex standing there with a mad look on his face right now. However, Delilah was confused about what he said just now.

"What are you talking about? I'm not hogging dad!" Delilah raise her eyebrow.

"Yes you are! Little Miss daddy's little girl, why don't you go play with you're stupid dolls or something?" Alex yelled. Donnie didn't like his attitude right now.

"Alex, stop talking to you're sister like that young man!" Donnie yelled.

"No dad! You know what you've never spend time with me, you been spending time with Delilah so much with those stupid inventions for weeks and all you want is spend time with Delilah and not me!!" Alex yelled as he ran to his room and slammed the door. Amanda saw the whole thing too.

Donnie frowned and sighed, he started to feel guilty about hurting his son's feelings like that. He had to make it up to Alex.

"Munchkin, can we finish this some other time?" Donnie asked as she nodded and she go watch TV.

Amanda walked up to her husband as she puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Donnie you've gotta make it up to Alex besides he needs you!" Amanda said in an calmed tone.

"You're right, I'm gonna go talk to him." Donnie said.

Meanwhile, Alex was in his room reading a Jupiter Jim comic book. He began to hear a knock at the door and he sees his dad coming into his room.

"Listen Alex, I didn't to mean to hurt your feelings like that it's just...I've got carried away with spending time with Delilah lately and I should have realized how much you needed me and I wanna make it up to you." Donnie said as Alex looked at his dad surprised.


Donnie smiled at his son and nodded as Alex hugged his dad.

"Thanks dad! Can we have a father and son movie night later on tonight with popcorn?" Alex asked his dad as he started to like that idea.

"We sure can Kiddo!" Donnie said as he winked at his son.

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