Battle Of The Bands

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Synopsis: when gabby, Skylett, Riley, Zorra and Zack start to have a band of their own. Gabby's old rival the orange tigers have come to compete with them.

Raph, Mikey, Leo and Donnie we're skateboarding while the rest of their kids were at home with their wives. They've only brought Gabby, Skylett, Riley, Zorra and Zack over to the Lair. While Leo was skateboarding down the ramp and his brothers were watching him. They've heard some loud music from somewhere. It came from the Tank garage.

"What was that noise?" Donnie asked concerned as his brothers heard the noise as well.

"Probably the kids doing something in the Tank garage!" Raph said.

Mikey was curious about what the kids were doing and figured that his daughter was driving the Turtle Tank. But she was definitely too young to drive.

"I swear if Gabby is driving that turtle tank she's gonna be grounded for a month!" Mikey said as he figured that if she was doing it. But Leo knew that his daughter wouldn't that because she was 11.

"I don't know Mikey, maybe it would be better if we've go see what they're up too!" Leo said as Donnie and Raph agree with him.

"Alright then! Come on!" Mikey said.

In the Tank garage, the kids were playing instruments and practicing for the Battle of the bands. Gabby was singing through the microphone, Riley playing the electric guitar, Skylett was playing the drums, Zorra was just playing a regular guitar and Zack was playing an electric piano. However, they need to sound good but they sounded terrible.

Leo knocked on the garage door lightly, as loud enough for the kids to hear. Until, they heard Gabby's voice.

"Guys, come on! We've gotta make our music sound good!"

Raph opens the garage door as they see the kids were playing in a band.

"What are you kids doing in here?" Mikey chuckle as he asked them.

"Practicing for battle of the bands!" Gabby said.

"Yeah, it's gonna be at the hidden city stadium and we've gotta practice if we wanna win! I'm totally rockin this electric guitar right now!" Riley said with a laugh while she played it. Raph smiled at his daughter because he'd knew that she loved playing the electric guitar. It almost reminded the boys of how they started their own band and played at Albertoland.

"Oh, you guys should totally come watch us perform at the Battle of the bands!" Gabby said as the kids agree with that idea.

"Will be there kiddo!" Leo said as they nodded and the kids got excited about it.

"We're totally gonna win this!" Zorra said with excitement.

It was Friday night as the kids got ready for the Battle and their parents and uncles were going to watch them perform tonight. They all got their instruments and started to perform as they still sounded bad. Gabby started singing through the microphone while playing the guitar.

"Who's ready to rock n roll tonight? Rock n roll!" Gabby sang as the crowd started booing at them right now.

"You stink!" One of the mutant said as they sounded terrible.

"Wow! the crowd isn't liking our kids music right now!" Leo said.

Just now the orange tigers came to the backstage wearing roller skates and helmets.

"Hey, were the orange tigers! We're here for the Battle!" Ashley said.

"Alright! You know you go right after the Hamatos!" The mutant sheep said as Taylor got up all in his face and grabbed his vest firmly.

"We don't go after nobody! Curly!" Taylor said angrily.

"Especially, when it's that loser Gabby Hamato and her stupid friend Skylett!" Terra said as they went out there.

"Let the Battle begin!" Ashley said as she threw a drum stick at Gabby on purpose.

"Ashley, it's not that kind of a battle!" Gabby shouted at her as the orange tigers started to destroy them. The crowd of mutants started cheering for them wildly.

"Here some swinging music!" Taylor said as she hit Skylett with the electric guitar.

"Stop, stop!" Gabby said into the microphone right now as the crowd were repeating everything she said.

"Stop, stop!" Crowed chanted as they all see Gabby getting beat up by Ashley the mutant wolf while Taylor and terra were dealing with Skylett.

"Help, me please!"

"Help me please!"

"My arm, my arm!" Gabby singing into the microphone as she gotten her arm twisted by Ashley. As the crowd kept repeating everything Gabby was saying.

"Her arm, her arm!"

Terra punched Skylett in the face as the kids were playing their instruments wildly on stage.

"My arm, my arm!"

"Her arm, her arm!" Crowd shouted out as they were still repeating everything Gabby was saying.

Taylor and terra grabbed a trash can and put Skylett inside with all the garbage. Then started to laugh hysterically.

"Have mercy!" Gabby shouted out loud in front of the whole crowd.

"Have mercy!" Crowded cheering as they loved it.

Raph, Leo, Mikey and Donnie we're also cheering for their kids.

"No!!" Gabby cried out as she was also going to get tossed into the trash can with Skylett.

"Well that was fun!" Zorra happily said as her cousins and friends agree with her.

"No Zorra, that was pain!" Gabby said as her and Skylett got out of the trash can covered in garbage.

"Literally painfully!" Skylett said as she gotten a black eye and ripped clothes and her hair was a mess.

The mutant sheep walked over to them while holding up a trophy filled with money.

"Congratulations, you won!"

"We did?" Skylett asked.

"Yeah listen guys they wanted an encore even you're parents are cheering for us!" Zack said as he pointed out to the crowd.

"Hamatos! Hamatos!"

The orange tigers came out and Ashley started to hold up her fist. Gabby and Skylett gulped nervously as they were gonna get beat up by them again.

"No! We quit! No more rock n roll!" Gabby started to screamed as Ashley pulled her shirt and getting ready to punch them in the faces.

"No! No!!"

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