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Set more in Angelica's POV, cause the little gal deserves to shine, also cause yes

Angelica sat on the floor of Papa's room, she had Fat Nuggets in her arms. Papa was dressing up for something while Angelica was looking at all the other outfits Papa threw aside. "No...Val won't like that.." Papa's voice sounded like he was upset or scared. Angelica hugged the pig a little more, her tail slowly wagging back and forth. She did that when she was angry.

She saw Maria holding one of Papa's thrown-aside outfits in her hands. "Maria. Drop it please." Maria's eyes narrowed with annoyance as it dropped the shirt. "He did something again." Maria's head tilted to the side, they were confused. "A certain moth man. Valentino." Maria's eyes widened. "Yeah."

Angelica let Fat Nuggets go and she stood up, Maria going behind her. "Guess we'll have to figure out a way to get him to 'go away'." Papa's door opened and Maria became a regular shadow. "What do you think honey?" Angelica put on a happy face as she looked her papa up and down. "You look perfect papa."

Papa looked happy as he picked up and held Angelica. "Thank you, honey." Angelica smiled as she was put down and was allowed to leave, but that said smile disappeared as soon as she was down the hall.

I don't know 🙃

Alastor's children (being re-written)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon