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TW⚠️: Mentions of PPD (Post Partum Depression) are also back on the plot, yay..?

Two small but shrill cries echoed throughout the room. The twins were up. Alastor got up and slowly grabbed Bonnie. "'s okay bud, I'm here." Alastor bounced himself slightly, his son still crying loudly, not to mention Rowan who was still crying.

The twins already had this thing so it was somewhat clear what they wanted. Rowan's cries were lower sounding and she was putting her hand in her mouth, she was hungry. Bonnie, however, was unclear what he wanted, and this was causing issues for Alastor.

Angel was somehow sleeping still, a little more than he would be considering the scenario. Alastor sighed as he set Bonnie down in the crib, making him cry harder, as he grabbed Rowan to feed her.

Alastor grabbed a bottle and slowly tried getting his daughter to eat. "Come on honey. Take the bottle." Rowan would refuse to latch on and it was slightly frustrating Alastor. He heard the door open and small footsteps.

"Come here, baby brother," Angelica whispered as she picked up Bonnie. Alastor looked over his shoulder. "Be careful with him honey, he's delicate." Angelica blinked slowly before looking at Bonnie. "Like a little flower." Alastor chuckled. "Guess you could say that."

Alastor tried getting back to getting Rowan to eat, but she was still refusing. Meanwhile, Angelica had sat down on the floor, holding Bonnie the way she was taught to as she offered him a pacifier. "Here you go." Bonnie expected it, he still seemed upset though. Angelica chuckled as she got up.

"Will papa help?" She whispered as she held Bonnie near Angel, who was still sleeping, the baby reaching his small hands out for Angel. Angelica looked at Alastor. "Daddy, what do I do?" Alastor sighed, his mind going numb as Rowan continued to cry. "Set him down on Papa's chest and I'll take over in a bit."

Angelica looked Alastor in the eyes as she made her two extra arms. "I can help." Alastor shook his head. "You probably can't honey." Angelica shrugged as she did what Alastor said, and she left the room slowly.

Angel awoke finally when having Bonnie on his chest, slowly peaking his eyes open. He looked upset but still held his son close. Alastor noticed. "Angel? You alright?" Angel looked up at Alastor before looking back down. "No...don't think I am."

Alastor sighed, noticing Rowan finally latched onto the bottle and was eating, walking over and grabbing Angel's cheek. "It'll be okay...I promise." Angel looked into Alastor's eyes as the two feasted foreheads. "Promise?" Angel sounded like a little kid when he said that. "Promise."

Alastor's children (being re-written)Where stories live. Discover now