What happned?

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Mia was flirting with one of the hotel guests, a female demon, while Angel and Alastor were talking about Eliza's upcoming birthday, all in front of the hotel. Angel's phone buzzes and he checks it. "Huh."

Alastor looked over and saw that he [Angel] was talking to Arakniss. "Wonder what my little big brother did?" Angel said to himself as he lowered the phone so Alastor could see as well.

A new message was sent and the two looked at it. "How does having a nephew sound?" Both Angel and Alastor looked at each other. 'This either will end well or a disaster.'

Angel responded. "Doesn't sound bad. Why?" Three dots showed up, Arakniss was typing and now that would make the two ponder. "What did he do?"
Alastor asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" Angel responded, noticing how they were alone now. "I don't get told this stuff." "Is that anything you did and do?"

Angel looked at Alastor before hitting him on the back of the head. "Shut it." Alastor chuckled as he rubbed his head. "Ow."

Angel smirked as his phone buzzed again. "Oh hey, Nissy texted me back." Alastor looked at the screen as Angel read the text out loud. "Well, Pent and I agreed to give Tiffany a younger sibling. Is that a bad thing?"

Angel and Alastor looked at each other again, both didn't know exactly how to say or react properly. "Well not really, just curious. Now is that the bad thing?"

Angel chuckled as he elbowed Alastor in the ribs, the latter who was also laughing. Both were unsure why they were laughing, but god damn it, whatever they were laughing about was funny. It showed that Arackniss was typing, and somehow that made them laugh more.

Even when Arakniss's message came through, the two didn't notice as they laughed to where their ribs started to hurt and Angel started crying. One passerby walked by and looked confused, it's not every day you see a porn star and the radio demon laughing like children. The two checked the message.

'Quit being a smartass. I have stuff to do.' Angel laughed harder and harder and that made Alastor laugh as well.

Angel had slight mascara on his cheeks and Alastor's face felt sore. "Why....what's so funny?" Angel laughed as he wiped away tears. "Who.....haha....who the hell knows." Both still laughed, a lot calmer this time, before going back into the hotel.

Mia looked at them with a look of sarcasm in her eyes, her black lipstick smudged and her hair a mess. Angel and Alastor still laughed as they sat on a chair. They didn't care if people saw them, they were in their little world, being interrupted by their kids needing them.

Laughing is fun...sorta.

Alastor's children (being re-written)Where stories live. Discover now