Children senarios.but their older... (Radiodust) [ongoing]

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Someone: Angelica? Is it cool to have two dads? I like..make up an answer to make you happy or do I be honest? *she's possibly signing. She's not deaf, just doesn't like to talk to strangers*
Random person: Having mental disorders sounds nice.
*Pretty much all of Angel and Alastor's kids have some form of mental issue* Would you like to die

Angelica, Autism
Peggy: ADD
Eliza: ADHD
(Hehe more are planned on the way)


19-year-old Peggy: Angie, how do you ask someone out?
19-year-old Angelica lost her V-card at like 15:...Well, everyone says 'be yourself' right...well...don't do that...
Peggy:....I hate you
Angelica: love you too little sister

Eliza: Dad what does a pregnancy test look like?
Alastor: I think a thin piece of plastic with a thing on the end...why?
Eliza: this must be a gun *holds up something of Pent's*
Alastor: hold up little lady

Angelica: *on the phone* Fuck you! I hate you and never want to see your stupid face ever again!!
Peggy: should we help her?
Eliza: Nah. That's how she and her little boyfriend like to 'flirt' with each other
[If you haven't read the later chapters, these characters won't make sense]

Rowan and Angelica: *yelling at each other, calling the other out*

Angel: Al..?

Alastor: *trying to process* Only thing I'm getting from this is...Rowan's pregnant and was dating Angelica's 'boyfriend' and Angelica's you

Angel: A, ow. B, that's probably not all. C, we should probably stop them
Angelica: Common..why can't I have a boyfriend?!

Angel: because I said so young lady

Angelica: fine. Then talk to B and R about what I found in their rooms

Alastor: excuse me?!

Angelica: you heard me, Dad.

Alastor's children (being re-written)Where stories live. Discover now