Not so fun Adjustments

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Alastor and Angel thought they knew what having a baby was like, but it was clear none of them knew exactly what they were doing. The two awoke to Angelica crying at the top of her lungs, Alastor rolled over to his side and tried shoving Angel out of his bed (the two are alternating between rooms until they move into a shared one). "Your turn to get her." Angel rubbed his eyes. "How did something that came out of you become my responsibility?" Alastor didn't answer but shoved Angel out of bed causing him to fall. "You..get her.."

Alastor rolled over as Angel went to get their baby, he didn't seem to mind though he got to spend more time with her. Alastor rolled back over to see Angel lifting Angelica out of her crib and holding her as she cried. "What's wrong honey?"
He asked as he rocked her slightly, Alastor seemed to know the answer though. "She's most likely hungry.." He muttered, feeling tired as ever.

He already basically never slept but he had always managed to have energy, but now all he wanted was sleep. Christmas had been slightly rough, with Angel having to explain to Cherri why he couldn't meet up with her and them having to spend Christmas in the hospital, but it was worth it as they got to spend time with their newborn. Eventually, her eyes had opened fully, on Christmas.

She had one red sclera and the other black both with pink irises and no visible pupils. Back to present times, Angel had gotten up and left the room to get a bottle out of his mini fridge, slowly feeding her the milk inside with a towel on his shoulder. Angel was slowly rocking her the whole time and finally acknowledged Alastor. "I know you're watching me's just...a little creepy."

Alastor got up and shrugged as he moved his hair from his face. "And...your problem is?" Angel shook his head as he noticed Angelica was done with her bottle, he set it down moved her to his shoulder, and petted her on the back. "My problem is you're being creepy...anyways, Pent asks if you're doing fine?" Alastor didn't realize who he was talking about until it clicked, like an idiot.

"Oh, Pentiouss....tell him I'm fine?" Angel texted something on his phone and at the same time Angelica let out a little burp and then Angel finally put her down onto Alastor's chest, Alastor didn't seem to mind as he pulled Angelica closer to him.


People obsessing over the baby was something they were not fully expecting. Verosika visited within the first week and she and Angel dressed Angelica up and gave her so many hugs and kisses, mainly the succubus. "Look at her Alastor, isn't she adorable?" Angel said as Verosika held the baby up, holding up her head luckily.

Angelica was dressed in a little black lacy dress with a matching bow, Alastor looked at the three but grabbed Angelica slowly and held her close. "Why did you-?" "Oh and that's not even the end of it, we have many more little outfits for her."

Verosika pulled Angel to the side as the succubus whispered something into the spider's ear(?) before the two turned around and grabbed her back. Later that day Angel's siblings visited, Alastor chatted with Arakniss while Molly joined Angel and Veronika in dressing Angelica.

Later that day, she needed a bath.

Angelica grabbing onto everything was both something that was expected and unexpected. You couldn't put anything in her reach without it being grabbed; Husk's tail and ears, Alastor's ears, several people's hair, Pentis's vail thing, etc. And she didn't pull lightly, she could tug hard to the point you felt like she could rip it {hair, tail, ears, etc} right out. But while her tugging was annoying, it seemed easy to used to. But not really.

Alastor was tying his hair up one day, but Angel seemed to have forgotten to do that, and Alastor wouldn't bother telling him, so he didn't.

Teething was probably the worst thing if you asked Alastor. Considering her teeth were sharp, much like her parents, that would lead to her crying for a long long and that led to Angel feeling bad for not being able to do anything to help her feel better. But at least she could slowly start eating solid foods. Turns out all of Alastor's cravings were her favorite things to eat, and did she want to eat a lot?

Her bottles and pacifiers were all chewed up but she still wanted to use them.

Angelica's crawling and walking were like everything else. The baby-proofing was a lot and they weren't even sure how much she could get into. Now you would have to be careful to make sure you don't step on her hand or hands, but then when she had realized she had multiple limbs Angelica also seemed to have discovered the other things a spider could do. Now Alastor went from checking the floor to checking both wall and ceiling for his daughter. Angel found it amusing at least for the first bit, until he realized that he also had to deal with it.
And that was just with her crawling when she began to try walking was worse but still her first steps were something that warmed their hearts.

Most parents expect their babies to say 'mama' or 'dada' or something like that, but not swearing. Alastor and Angel were sleeping when they heard the first thing Angelica ever said. "Bitch"

Both shot up and looked at her, the little hybrid was standing in her crib and laughing while saying it over and over. "Bitch bitch bitch bitch." Alastor turned at stared at Angel. "What did you teach her?" Angel gave a dramatic explanation of hurt. "Me?!"
Angelica fell back and was still laughing
Angelica's first Halloween didn't go wrong at all. She was dressed up as a little version of Alastor, the latter was surprised when he saw that. "Surprise." Angel held Angelica's hand, helping her stand, Alastor staring at her. "You...have her dressed up as me.?" Angel nodded. "Sure did. And doesn't she look adorable?" Angel knelt and hugged his daughter. The latter's eyes went to Alastor

Alastor sat in the rocking chair using a puppet to play with Angelica, and Angel sat next to them watching the two. "Hard to believe she's almost a year old." Alastor started ticking Angelica while turning to look at Angel. "What did you say?" Angel looked up. "She's almost a year old Al, can you believe it.." Alastor looked back at his laughing baby girl, she was almost a year old. How? He remembered her being a little newborn, hell even being pregnant was still fresh on his mind and now he almost had a one-year-old on his hands. He looked at Angel who grabbed his hand. "Ready to have a one-year-old?" Alastor looked at Angel's hand before shifting Angelica around to hold his co-parent's hand. "Ready as I'll ever be."

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