The girl-friend

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Alastor sat on the old swing, surprisingly it didn't already break when he heard kids laughing. Looking over to see kids from his neighborhood, they were laughing at him. Alastor looked away and at the ground, he didn't want to show those kids he was upset, but then the words started.

"Aww. He's gonna cry." The only girl in the group said, making a pouty face. "That's what their good for anyways, crying crying crying." Said the first boy. The second boy was about to say something but was interrupted.

"Hey! Shut up!" Alastor looked up to see a girl in a blue and white dress, probably around his age, with her arms crossed. "What did you say?" The second boy said, the blue girl getting closer to him. "I said Shut Up!"

The girl in the group laughed, blue girl unfolded her arms with her fists balled. "Aww she's mad, what are you gonna do? Tell your mommy?"

The first boy mocked before Little Blue punched him in the stomach. "No." The boy held his gut, Alastor still watching, while the other kids in the group got angry.

The blue girl rolled her eyes as she went over to Alastor and grabbed his hand, still glaring at the other three. "Leave him alone!" All three walked off, leaving Alastor and Blue alone.

Blue looked at Alastor, a calm look on her face. She smiled showing her dimples. "My name is Molly." She said. "Alastor."

Molly sat on the grass, she didn't seem to care if her dress was not dirty. "Why did you punch him?" Molly shrugged as she picked a dandelion. "I wanted to show how strong I am. Other than to my brother Sal." Molly tucked the dandelion in her hair just above the ear. "Sides they were being jerks to you, and I don't like that."

Alastor smiled slightly. "Do you know how to send letters?" Molly asked, Alastor shrugged. "I don't know, why?"
Molly tugged on her high ponytail.

"I want to keep in touch. See I'm actually from New York, and.." Alastor got what she was trying to say. "I can try."

Molly smiled as she pulled out a small notebook, wrote something down, then handed it to Alastor. "That's where you'll send the letter to."

Alastor smiled as Mia looked up at the sun. "Oh..." "What?" Alastor asked, also looking up. "Pops said to be back at the house by sundown.." Molly suddenly started looking around. "Something wrong?"

Alastor asked, feeling concerned. "Where are my brothers?!" Molly sounded scared, and Alastor grabbed her into a hug. "Hey hey. It's okay, I'll help you." Molly sniffled. "You will?"

Alastor nodded as he helped Molly up. "I'll get my mama." Molly sat on the swing as Alastor ran inside. "Mama!" Alastor's mother looked up with surprise. "What happened Alastor?" She sounded concerned, Alastor took a breath in and out. "My new friend needs help."

Alastor's mom looked a little more concerned as she got up and Alastor led her outside. "That's Molly." Alastor's mom went over to her. "Hi, honey? Are you okay?" Molly shook her head slowly. "I don't know where my brothers are, I'm not even from here."

Alastor's mom slowly got up. "Okay, darling. Just look me in the eyes, I'll help you as much as I can okay." Molly nodded as she hopped off the swing and smoothed out her skirt.

"Ho paura... dannazioni Molls.."


"So what do your brothers look like?" Alastor asked as he walked side by side with Molly who was tugging her skirt.

"Well....Salvator looks like my pops, with dark hair bright eyes, and face shape, he's older than my brother and I but is as tall. Anthony looks like me but a boy instead, we even matched today with the blue even if Sal never wanted us to."

Alastor's children (being re-written)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant