Bonding...and meeting

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Crappy chapter ahead

Mia sat on the couch as Alastor handed her a cup of tea. "So...Mind explaining what happened?" Mia nodded as she sipped her tea. "It's not an easy story to tell...guess I gotta." She sighed into her drink.

When they found you was horrible. God, I don't know how many tears I shed. Anyways, with you and Arabella both gone it was only Martin and I, and it was pretty hell. Then.... World War 2 broke out. And....that was how M and I bit the bullet. He was stabbed through the heart and I was involved in a workplace accident...I'm's a touchy I'm down here...look, Ali. I'll just say it. I'm a murderer. I killed people, lots of people. Men.. nonbeautiful women..etc. I don't know why either Arabella or Martin are here..but I never knew how to ask without being rude. I..I never married or had children, and Martin didn't either. So guess our bloodline is close to dead..or maybe it is dead...

Alastor was silent before he said what was on his mind. "You saw those little kids from earlier right?" Mia nodded as she sipped her tea. Alastor sighed. "Well...all three of them are my daughters. Angelica, Peggy, and Eliza. Angelica is my biological daughter while Peggy and Eliza are adopted...." He was silent as his mind slowly started spinning. Mia slowly petted her brother on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Ali." Alastor smiled as Mia stroked his cheek like she did when they were children.

Martin or Mio was the next one whom Alastor tried asking about what he knew. Both brothers sat awkwardly before Mio spoke up. " want to know what happened after....death?" Alastor nodded and this made Mio look uncomfortable, guess the wide smile was creepy to someone unfamiliar with 'the new Alastor' or The Radio Demon as he was called. Mio looked around before looking at his lap and slowly started explaining his side.

We didn't find out where Dad went, especially after you died Ali. Then there were issues with the police and they were linking you with the killer that was happening around that time, remember? Did you speak about him on the radio? Anyways, mama seemed scared or something else, she was already December....she passed away Ali..... Well...then as Mia probably told you, the Second World War broke out, and that led to our deaths. I had been enlisted and...well..died on week two of being there. Someone was messing around with this kind of gun with a sort of knife on the end, and he pointed it to my back. "What'll you do pretty boy?" He asked and I didn't say anything, and then I felt it going deeper into my back until the knife went into my back and through my back and I thought I saw the tip poking through my chest. The guy who did it seemed to have panicked and he pulled it out and that was where I felt the blood before I just went...dark. And then Mia was killed after me.....S-sorry Ali.

Mia naturally wanted a bond with her nieces, Alastor and Angel watched as Mia spoke to the girls gently. Peggy immediately seemed to like her, while Eliza and Angelica seemed more hesitant. Mio however seemed to be the more hesitant one to meet the girls, though Angelica was the one who wanted to be around him. Eliza was a little more off to the side until she saw Arabella.

Sorry for the crappiness of this

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