Where's Angel?

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Angel had been in his room all day and now it was getting concerning. "Is he sick?" Vaggie asked, surprisingly she was concerned. Charlie shrugged as she and Alastor locked eyes, this most likely wasn't going well. The two went to another room, saying they had stuff to do, when in reality. "Any progress?"She asked.

Alastor shook his head. "Nope." Charlie looked concerned slightly. Alastor pat her on the head. "Don't worry about it. It's alright." Charlie smiled as Alastor left the room, to do honestly anything. And luckily he found something, that had to keep the girls from jumping off the roof.

"What has gotten into you three?" He asked as he had Peggy over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "We're bored." Eliza snapped a random stick. "We can't get into the porn studio to bully Valentino, so what else do we do?" Peggy wrapped her tail around her leg. Angelica muttered something under her breath, something along the lines of 'Besides Aunt Cherri's busy and we ran out of glitter.'

Alastor chuckled. "Bored huh?" Alastor asked as he set Peggy down. "What do you do Daddy?" Eliza asked as she grabbed Alastor's arm. "If you get off me, I'll show you."

Alastor said, Eliza let go. "Do you work?" Peggy held onto Alastor's coat, Angelica grabbing one of his hands. "Sort of." Alastor fixed himself up. "Do you torment people for your entertainment?" Eliza folded her arms. ".......Bingo....sometimes." Angelica chuckled.

"Where's Papa?" Peggy asked, letting go of Alastor. 'That didn't take long.' "Don't know." The girls didn't ask many questions after that, but they still followed Alastor. "You broadcast stuff to sinners?" Eliza asked. "Yes," Alastor answered, his answers becoming shorter to get the girls to not ask as many questions. Toddlers sure do ask a lot of questions.

"How does one become an overlord daddy?" Angelica asked out of the blue. "What?" Alastor questioned. "An overlord. How do you become one?" Eliza repeated.

Alastor shrugged as a joke. "Don't know." He heard Angel open the door and peek through. "Hi..." "Hello, Angel."

The spider smiled as he held Eliza. "Where were you, papa?" Eliza asked. "I'll tell you soon, okay?" Angel booped Eliza in her nose as he sat next to Alastor.

Something's off with him, I can tell.

This plot is going wild and I am living for it......kinda

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