Two at once

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Alastor was now the dad of; 2 four-year-olds, a 3-year-old, and two newborns. What was that like? Well...Bonnie and Rowan were two interesting babies to deal with, parried with their other three children, Angel and Alastor had a lot to deal with on their hands. With the kids, there were harder days and easier days. And if Alastor was allowed to be honest, Rowan was not an easy baby.

She wouldn't eat as much as she should, and she cried consistently. However, when she was in a good mood, she was a happy bubbly baby. Bonnie was often happy, except for when he wasn't around Angel. When he was separated from Angel for long or short periods he was often crying a lot. Angel went to the store without him, Bonnie cried and cried until Angel returned and he would go back to being happy. Angel left the room, Bonnie would sit and whimper until he was held again by Angel. If he wasn't held by Angel, Bonnie would cry until he was. If it wasn't clear already, Bonnie had taken favoritism to Angel. Rowan didn't seem to have favoritism to anyone, well anyone except Peggy and Eliza.

The two were constantly playing with her once they could, while Angelica usually was with Bonnie and she didn't try and claim favoritism to her brother. Angel was doing at least a bit better, guess talking to people helped, but he wasn't exactly the 'old Angel' whatever that meant. But whatever, the two had five children to take care of. Were their clothes a mess, yes. Was it worth it, somewhat?

The twins were growing up perfectly, as best you could call it that, they were hitting milestones on time, some early despite their early birth, but moving on from that. Long as Angel was there, the two loved walks, and being strapped to Alastor as he cooked. At least Rowan liked being in Alastor and Bonnie liked 'tagging along' with Angel on walks.

It was on a quiet night, the twins were 5 months old when they were talking more about wedding planning. So far they only had rough drafts for the ceremony and that Angel would wear the dress, but then they had nothing.

I'm bored so who wants to help plan a wedding with me🥲

Alastor's children (being re-written)Where stories live. Discover now