The wedding PT 1

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Alastor was shaken awake by Husk, who surprisingly didn't seem hungover or drunk. "Common, get up." Alastor rubbed his eyes. "What?"

Husk sighed. "Your wedding day? Remember?" Alastor shot up, almost knocking Husk off the bed, and tried remembering what to do.

Husk made a slight growl. "It's not until noon, calm the hell down. Now it's 6:00 in the morning, Angel woke up earlier to be with his sister and get ready, the girls are already having breakfast and you need to as well. Don't need to get married on an empty stomach. Oh, and your future brother-in-law has the twins currently." Husk got up and left Alastor alone, who soon left his room as well to have breakfast.

Peggy, Eliza, and Angelica were chomping on waffles and Arackniss was holding both twins in his arms, Bonnie in his top ones, Rowan in the middle, and a cup of coffee in the bottom set. Alastor sat at the table and sighed as Angelia pushed a plate of waffles in front of him, Husk sat next to him. "Go on Alastor, eat something." Alastor shook his head. "Not hungry." He muttered, Husk wasn't taking that as an answer. "That wasn't a suggestion. Now eat!"
Alastor tried pushing the plate away, but then the girls joined in, pestering their dad to eat.

All the while, Arackniss was sitting off to the side, watching all this going on. Somehow this was the overload his brother was marrying in a few hours. Speaking of his brother, he decided to call Molly to see how 'Angel' was handling things.


Angel wasn't doing well either. He had just gotten his hair done and that should've made him feel better right? Nope. That made him feel worse, and that was probably what wasn't supposed to happen.

Molly was watching Angel pacing back and forth as he ran his hands over his arms, guessed he knew he couldn't mess with his hair so he found an alternative. Cherri walked into the living room, a plate of leftover spaghetti in hand, and watched with Molly as Angel tried not to freak out. "Angie?" Molly spoke up, Angel stopped pacing, and Cherri chuckled. "Calm down Angie, it'll be okay." Molly had gotten up and hugged Angel, Cherri was still watching all this happening.

Angel had calmed down and was slowly breathing, looking at the time, his eyes widening. "An hour until I have to be at the venue....shit shit shit." He muttered. "Angie." Cherri now hugged Angel. "It'll be fine."

Molly looked over the list again. "Okay. Angie got his hair done, we'll get ours done at the venue as well as all our makeup. Angie will get dressed at the venue...Cherri get dressed, we have to leave soon...Angie, did you eat anything?"

Angel sighed as he pulled out the sandwich Arackniss made him. "Got my lunch here." Molly nodded. "Good. Eat it. Don't want you getting married on an empty stomach."

This whole wedding will probably be 4 chapters max 🥲

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