New Baby?

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Angel brushed his hair while Alastor watched from the bed. This was nothing specific or special going on, Angel just wanted to look nice as he said it, and who was Alastor to stop him? Alastor happened to glance at Angel's phone the moment Molly instigated a call. "Angel. Your sister is calling you."

Angel immediately looked over and asked for his phone, and Alastor handed it over to him. The spider answered the phone before Angel got up and went into the hallway. Alastor was about to use his shadow and spy on them, but one of Angelica's spiders crawled from under the door and hopped onto Alastor's lap. A few static noises later and Alastor was listening to Angel's conversation.

"I'm sorry what?" Angel said. "I said Nissy just said he wasn't feeling too well and was in the hospital. That's all I know." Seems Angel put his phone on speakerphone or Angelica did something so that both siblings could be heard.

"So he's in the hospital?" Angel asked. "Apparently. And Montgomery's having to watch Tiffany." Angel was silent before he spoke again. "Molls, I'm gonna call ya back okay? I'm gonna try and talk to Nissy. Okay?"

Molly agreed and hung up, it sounded like Angel was calling Arackniss, but the older spider demon didn't answer. "Nissy?" Angel said as he tried again with no success. "Okay.....guess I'll have to try Pent," Angel spoke to himself. The phone rang for a bit before Sir Pentious answered. "Angel?"

"Pent. I heard Nissy's in the hospital, what the fuck happened?" Angel somewhat snapped before Pentious could finish talking. It was silent before the snake could answer. "Well.." Arackniss was heard in the background. "This is taking forever." "I have to go Angel."

Pentious hung up before Angel could process what happened. "What the fuck?" Angel sighed before he walked back into the room, Angelica's spider disappeared before he could. "What happened?" Alastor played dumb, yes he had just listened to Angel's conversation, but he couldn't say that.

Angel sighed as he flopped on the bed. "My brothers in the hospital, don't know why or what happened." Alastor watched Angel, not knowing what to do or say.

The girls tried to get into the room, and Angel got up to allow them in, Angelica immediately went to Alastor and sat next to him. She moved so she could whisper into Alastor's ear. "Auntie Molly might no..." She sighed before her ears perked up. "Dada. Uncle Nissy. Watch watch."

She hopped off the bed after leaving a spider on Alastor's lap. She slowly tried to open the window and succeeded. She held one of her spiders in her hands, whispering something before waving her hands and letting her spider roam free, using its web to go to the Pentagram City Hospital. Alastor moved to a different room before Angelica 'connected' the two spiders so they could hear. It was static before something came through.

"How are you feeling Nissy?" Pentious asked. It sounded like someone was in pain before Arackniss answered. "Well, as can be." Then came the sounds of what sounded like the two kissing before someone said something. "Is that a spider? On the windowsill?" Arackniss said, his words being followed by what sounded like a sharp inhale of breath.

It was quiet before static, someone got rid of the spider, and now they couldn't hear anything. "Oh no. Oh no no no. Sorry, Daddy." Angelica shook her head and apologized, Alastor tussled her hair. "It's fine, it's not your fault." Guess they couldn't cheat, at least it seemed before Angelica made a hand motion.

"Daddy...." The spider was making static noises before the faint voices were heard. "Does it have to be this painful?" Arackniss muttered. "Possibly. It's all okay Nissy. I'm here." Footsteps. "Mr Arackniss. We have everything ready. Let's get going shall we?" There were footsteps then silence.

"Huh." Angelica laid on the table. "That didn't do shit." Alastor didn't bother scolding her, he was trying to figure out what was going on. Angelica muttered something with her eyes closed. The spider made static noises before they could hear the noises of a hospital. Alastor listened closely, waiting for something.

Some voices sounded like they were coming through a door, guess the spider didn't go through some type of door. There were also monitors and a hospital room. Possibility surgery. "Alright....almost.....we got him." The doctor's voice was heard before another sound, the cry of a baby. "It's a boy."

Noises before it sounded like the spider was crushed. Alastor and Angelica looked at each other, they didn't know exactly what to do or say to the other. Alastor shrugged as he tried processing what happened, what he heard as well as Angelica. The two stared at each other before Alastor got up. "Well....who knows what we heard Angelica, I'll say it wasn't the right room. Okay?"

Angelica shrugged as she held onto her dad, slightly snapping her fingers causing the spider to vanish. The two walked out of the room and walked down the hall to the lobby, Alastor had a meeting with Charlie to attend, and Angelica sat at one of the chairs with her Jack-in-the-box. Before Alastor could finish his sentence to Charlie, Angel pulled Alastor away. "What hap-" "I have another one." Angel chuckled as he held Alastor.

"A nephew. I have a nephew Al." Mio happened to pass by and looked confused. "What happened to you two?" Alastor shrugged. "I don't know. Help me." Alastor mouthed to his brother, who didn't know what to do except awkwardly walk away. 'I'm gonna kill you Mio.'


Angel was right, this time Pentious and Arackniss had a little boy. They were only referring to him as 'Jr', not what his actual name was or anything. He looked like Pentious except with bangs and yellow markings, he only had two smaller eyes that were the color of the snake demons, and his bigger eyes were that resembling Arackniss's. Unlike his sister, he only had the snake bottom and no legs. At least from what Angel said from a photo he was sent.

Angelica looked at Alastor with a look Mia always gave. A look of 'I told you so' and 'I fucking knew it's combined. Alastor didn't do anything. This interesting scene.

The joke is that it was a coincidence...maybe.....okay it was

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