I'm WHAT?!

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Alastor hasn't been feeling all too well for the past forever but he chalked it up to food poisoning for the first week but then the symptoms lasted for another week, then two, then three and four, then when another week passed and Alastor was fed up with feeling ill. Husk eventually pushed him to visit a doctor and Alastor did. But that led to a surprise for the radio demon.

"I'M WHAT?!" Alastor yelled louder than even he expected causing the nurse to look frightened. She took a breath and sat Alastor back down on the chair. "I said, You're pregnant, Mr. Alastor. 6 weeks along and the baby is developing perfectly." Alastor was staring at her, hoping she was kidding but nope she was being honest.
Alastor shook his head. "No, no this can't be. I can't be." The nurse sighed. "Well, we can do an ultrasound if that will make you believe me." Alastor sighed and nodded. He followed her to a room and did as she said, laying down on this medical bed removing his coat, and rolling up his shirt. Alastor shivered as the nurse rubbed this cold gel on Alastor's stomach, which only now looked slightly bigger than he last remembered. The nurse put this weird wand on his stomach and moved it around, turning the screen so Alastor could see. "See that?"

Alastor did. It looked like a sleeve that wasn't properly stitched up and there was a blob in the center. Everything was in black and white. The nurse pointed to the blob. "That, Mr. Alastor, is your baby." Alastor's eyes widened. So she was serious. The rest of that appointment was a blur for Alastor, but when he zoned back in he was back in the hotel holding a pregnancy test.

Alastor strode over to Angel who was flirting with Husk at the bar and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Ah! Oh...Al? What the hell?" Alastor didn't say anything but grabbed Angel by the arm and dragged him to another room. "Wha-."

Alastor stopped him by holding up the stupid thing he had been carrying in his pocket. "You did this to me." Angel looked confused as he took it from Alastor and looked at it.

It was a semi-long plastic stick, with a blue cap on the end and a small screen on it. A small drawing showed what happened. One line meant not pregnant and two lines meant pregnant. And much to Alastor's dismay, there were two pink lines on the screen.

Angel looked for a bit before it might have clicked in his head. He froze and looked at the smaller deer demon. "Al..ya serious?" Alastor rolled his eyes, trying to show sarcasm.
"Unfortunately. And you were the last person I was with." Al looked into Angel's eyes but Angel looked down at Alastor's body, which looked like his stomach. "My eyes are u-." Alastor was cut off by Angel tackling him to the ground.

"What The?!" Angel was holding the deer, his four arms wrapped around him and his admittedly fluffy cheek snuggled up against his own. After a bit, Angel tried to press his lips onto Alastor's, but the deer pushed him away. "Don't." Angel chuckled. "Fine smiles." Alastor managed to push him off. "So....what are we gonna do?" Alastor didn't know. "How about we sleep on it and talk about it tomorrow, okay?" Alastor nodded and the two went their separate ways.

That night

Alastor lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. All kinds of thoughts went through his head, all about the little thing he carried in him. He had heard a heartbeat, didn't mean he would want it. He shook his head as he threw the covers off him. 'The hell does one do in a scenario like this?' He thought.

The next morning

Alastor and Angel were the first two up, they sat in silence at the table before Angel spoke. "Do ya know what you're gonna do?" Alastor sighed as he pushed away his empty mug. "The best answer is to try and raise it. My idea at least."
Angel smiled as he slowly wrapped his arms around Alastor. "I'll try." Alastor didn't push Angel off. The two sat in silence before getting interrupted by Charlie. For now, the two had their little secret.

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