The 'engagement'

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Angel had mentioned how he wanted a
proposal to go for him. 

I didn't know what to choose for the song 🥲

Alastor held the small box in hand, was it too early to do something like this maybe, but he still thought about it for forever and did it. It was only thanks to Angelica asking that Alastor had the idea to do this.

Two weeks earlier

"Daddy?" Angelica tugged on Alastor's pant leg. "Yes, my dear?" Alastor didn't look up from his cooking. "What's marriage?" That made Alastor look up. "'s something special for someone." Angelica thought. "Are you and Papa married?"

Alastor almost cut his finger. " No, we aren't." "Huh." Was Angelica's response before letting go?

Back to the present day

Alastor was standing on the beach house porch, and Angel doing something inside. Alastor pulled out the ring, wondering what to do or say, he had never done it before (why would he need to?). The two drove to the beach for this, Alastor wanted it to be special.

He heard the door open, and there was Angel. He looked, well, beautiful if you could say that. He wore a gray dress that shimmered and reached his thighs, not too fancy but simple.

Alastor held out his hand and Angel took it slowly, Alastor planting a kiss on it softly. "What?" Angel whispered slightly. Alastor chuckled as he led Angel to the candle-lit table. "Well, I wanted to do something nice." Angel picked up the roses and tulips that were on the table (Molly and Cherri said he liked them), while Alastor got in the awkward position on his knee. This is how people do it right?

Angel turned around and his eyes widened when he saw Alastor. "What are you doing?" He asked, looking like he was either holding in a laugh or crying. Alastor pulled the ring out.

"Well, you said you wanted something like this. A sunset on the beach, it's a nice day out.........heh....Angel Dust....will you marry me?" Alastor opened the box and showed the ring, it was silver with 3 pink gems on it.

Angel cupped two hands on his mouth, tears seeping out of his eyes, and a slight laugh coming from the spider. Alastor still held the position until Angel nodded his head quickly. "Yes...haha Yes yes yes." Alastor smile grew as he slowly got up Angel held out his left top hand, and Alastor slipped the ring onto Angel's finger.

Angel looked at his hand as he held the flowers close. "It's beautiful.....heh...." Angel wiped his tears away as he looked at Alastor. Alastor smiled as he felt himself tear up as well.

Angel put the flowers down and held out all arms. "You probably don't want to, but...hug?" Angel said, Alastor surprised him once again by hugging him. "Of course."

The two sat and watched the sun continue to set. "Well....we might want to get going soon..." Alastor was about to get up, but Angel held him down. "I want you to be sitting for this." Alastor's was confused as he sat back

Angel chuckled as he grabbed Alastor's hands. " remember how we're 'trying' for a baby?" Alastor nodded, trying to figure out where Angel was going with this. "Yes. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a positive test back."

Alastor said, looking away. Angel smiled, his fur tear-stained. "Well...I did." Alastor looked at Angel. *insert dial-up noises*.

Alastor thought before it clicked. "Hold up.......You're pregnant?" Alastor asked, hoping this was some kind of joke. Angel nodded. "Yes...odd I know."

Alastor almost fainted. "How the hell does this work?" Angel laughed as he snuggled up with the dear. "That's the fun of it all. Nothing makes sense anymore."

Alastor sighed as he held Angel. "This whole thing is ridiculous.....and...Entertaining." Angel chuckled. "Love ya, Al."

*insert dial-up noises again from Alastor*. "What?!"

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