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It's a surprise Alastor remembered the first memory. He was young, not a year old, and Mia had turned three just recently. Alastor was holding onto a table, trying to stand up, and Mia was sitting on the floor with her arms outstretched. "Come here, Ali." She was trying to get him to walk, and he was trying. Slowly letting go and going to Mia. She gave him hugs and kisses when he came to her.

Alastor was a little kid, around the age of 5-6. He was hiding under his bed when he heard his parents arguing downstairs. He then heard the door open and he tried quieting himself, but this person heard him as they came to his bed. He saw the blanket rise and Mia's face peeked out to the underside of the bed, her dark hair touching the floor. "May I join you?" She whispered and Alastor nodded, not knowing what else to do. Mia slowly crawled under the bed and joined her brother. "Martin's somehow sleeping...oh before I forget." She reached into her apron pocket and held something in her hand, Alastor's instinct was to hold out his. Mia placed some small candies in his hand. "Picked some up for you. I know you like them." Alastor was silent. "A boy gave these to you, is that right?" Mia shrugged. "A lady never tells her secrets." Alastor smiled as he popped one of them in his mouth and ate it slowly, letting the cinnamon melt onto his tongue. Mia chuckled as she ran her fingers through his hair. "You know how I love you, Ali?" Alastor nodded, trying not to hit his head on the bed. Mia smiled as she messed with his cheeks. "Smile Ali. You're never fully dressed without one." She always said that.

It was a pretty nice day out, Martin was selling stuff in town, Mom and Dad were somewhere in the house with the newborn, and Mia was with her brother out on the front lawn. Mia was reading while Alastor crushed ants in the palm of his hand. Mia looked up and saw her brother doing that. "What are you doing?" Alastor had his head down, and he hopped Mia couldn't see his face. "Nothing." Alastor continued until he saw the rim of Mia's dress in front of him. He looked up just as she knelt in front of him. "Let the ants go." Alastor rolled his eyes and he threw the ants he had in hand as far as he could without them crawling on him. "Are you okay?" Alastor didn't look at her and she grabbed his chin and made him look her in the eyes. "You will look at me when I am talking to you Alastor." That would not have ended well if she had called him Alastor instead of Ali. "Is it about the baby?" Alastor didn't say anything, he didn't want to and even if he did, what would he even say? Guess Mia knew exactly that as she touched his face with her other hand. "It's fine Ali. I'm surprised it's you who's the most upset, considering Martin isn't the youngest anymore." Alastor shrugged. "I guess." Mia let go of his chin and changed her position to sitting. She tilted her head to the side, her dark hair covering most of her face. Alastor did the same, wondering what she was doing exactly. She smiled slowly as her eyes narrowed. "Common Ali, Smile." "You're never fully dressed without one. I know I know." Mia shook her head and she raised it. "Well, why don't you do it?" Alastor stared at her and then felt a small smile spread on his face. "Good boy."

"MIA!" Alastor, Arabella, and Martin all cried out her name, and she almost dropped the plates in the sink. "He hit me!" Martin and Alastor pointed at each other and Arabella pointed at both the boys. Mia sighed into her hand. "Look. All of you, go into separate rooms until you can apologize." The three grumbled before they went off, leaving Mia alone. Alastor sulked in his room before someone knocked on it. "Alastor?" The door opened slightly and Mia slowly walked over to him. "Mind explaining?" Alastor looked away, Mia sighed and messed with his hair. "Fine."

Mia looked more like their mom now that she was older. That was clearer now than before. She acted somewhat like her as well. Though she hadn't settled down yet or had kids. The only thing that mattered for her it seemed was making sure her siblings didn't kill each other.

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