Mia again

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Mia was sitting on the small swing on the big tree on the front lawn, swaying her legs to try and move. Her mother was having a baby and they didn't want Mia to be there, so one of the neighbors was supervising her. Mia looked at the ground as she pushed around small rocks with her foot, hearing the neighbor's conversations drift to the back of her mind, other stuff was going through her head.

Her small toddler hands gripped the rope of the swing tighter as a small gust of wind pushed her a little forward, her shoulder-length dark brown hair getting in her face. She pushed her hair away as she looked up at the house, it was a little old but it was home. She twisted the rope and swung slightly around waiting for virtually anything to happen, the rope to break or food or something else that a two-year-old would want. And as if on cue, her grandmother's figure appeared in the doorway, holding onto her apron tightly. Mrs. Watterson noticed and went to the porch and the two talked for about a second before both motioned for Mia to come.

She let the rope free hopped off the swing and tried not to run to the porch, wondering what was going on and if something happened. Her grandmother smiled as she knelt and grabbed one of Mia's small hands in her older slightly wrinkled ones. "Ready to see your mama and brother?"

Grandmother whispered in Mia's ear, a brother? Mia now had a brother? Mia looked into her grandmother's brown eyes and saw herself reflected in them. Mia slowly nodded her head, her hair tickling her neck. Her grandmother's smile grew as she got up, still holding onto Mia's hand, and led the small child into one of the rooms.

There was her mother, lying in her and father's bed, her hair was a mess and she looked like she had been sweating. Her eyes were closed at first but opened slightly when, supposedly, she sensed that Mia as well as her mother were in the doorway. Grandmother let go of Mia's hand and the little girl ran to her mother and hugged her. Her father was looking through the window, his reflection showed a face Mia recognized. The top half made it seem like her father was scowling but his lower face made it seem like he was showing pride in something, he did that often and Mia didn't know why or how he did something like that.

Mia looked to a bed that had blankets in it, her mother ran her fingers through Mia's hair while her other hand motioned to the small bed. "Say hi to your brother Mia." Mia received a kiss on the cheek from her mother as Mia moved slowly to the edge of the big bed to look into the small one.

Wrapped in many blankets was something, that looked like a redish-pink potato with slight brown hair on top of its head. Mia reached her hand into the blankets and slowly and gently touched the being's cheek, it moved and grabbed her hand. Mother chuckled. "Say hi to Alastor honey."

Mia looked at the potato with hair again, this was her brother huh? He didn't exactly look like a person. Mia continued to look at her 'brother' trying to remember what his name was. "Al....Ali?"

That was when Father snapped out of his odd trance and looked at Mia. "No. It's Alastor." "Ali," Mia said with confidence this time. "Alastor," Father repeated a little anger in his voice. Mia let out a huff and shook her head. "Ali. Ali. Ali."

Father muttered something under his breath, something that sounded like 'I give up' and went back to looking out the window, this time his smile was nowhere to be found. Mia looked at 'Ali' again and got closer to his face. "Hi, Ali. My name is Mia, and I am your big sister...." Mia didn't know what to say so she slowly, and as carefully as she could, kissed Ali on the forehead.

"Well isn't that adorable." Grandmother chimes in, Mother chuckles, Father slightly scoffs, Mia slowly grabs Ali removes him from the blankets, and holds him close to her. Mother reaches out her hand and holds Ali's head properly, Grandmother is trying to get Father to talk, but Father is still looking out the window, Ali is breathing slowly, and Mia is watching him as a small smile forms on her face.

Imagine only posting chapters bc it ticks you off when they aren't posted and are just sitting......anyways will work on later when my sudden energy burst happens at 3 am 🥲✌️

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