The request

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After the three little girls got back from glitter bombing Valatinio, Angelica had a request for her parents

"Peggy, Eliza..can you leave the room please?" Peggy dragged Eliza out, so it was only Angel, Alastor, and Angelica left. Alastor was more processing how Angelica spoke in full sentences instead of a few words. She cleared her throat. "Papa, Dad......I want a little brother.....please."

Angel blinked while Alastor's mind malfunctioned for a second. "Say that again?" The dear said, hoping he heard her wrong. Angelica responded a little louder. "A little brother.....please.....Papa? You okay?"

Alastor looked over at Angel, who looked like a deer in headlights. Only occasionally blinking. Angelica asked again. "Papa?" Angel looked over at Alastor. "Al?" Alastor shook his head and came to his senses. "Angelica, can your papa and I talk in quiet.....alone?" Angelica nodded and left.

Angel still looked startled, while Alastor tried processing. "You alright there Angel?" Alastor asked. "Y-yeah Al." He stuttered, so he most likely wasn't alright. "Well, up you look pale." Angel now looked sarcastic. "I'm white." Alastor waved his hands. "Alright, alright then....what are we going about..." Angel got the hint.

"I...I don't know." "Well, what are we going to tell her? Are we going to do it?" Alastor's mind was racing, that wasn't something that happened usually, not since childhood at least. Angel sighed. "Well....if it's alright with you, I don't think I'll mind having another kid." Alastor looked into Angel's eyes. "Well.....guess that's settled." Angel crossed all his arms and smiled. "Guess we better get pretty fucking drunk if we want to do this?" Alastor laughed along. "Guess so." Angelica popped back in. "Is my brother here yet?" "ANGELICA?!"

Both were startled before Angel calmly explained. "No, not yet. And not for almost a year." Angelica put on a pouty face. "Why?" Angel shrugged, that's how life works honey, I don't make the rules. But Uncle Nissy breaks them." "What?" Angelica looked confused, but Mia scooped her up.

"Nothing kiddo. Now....let's do something shall we?" Angelica nodded as Alastor's sister as well as his 'partner left in the same direction, and Alastor went the other way.

Alastor looked up and saw Charlie, watching from one of the upper floors. "How much did you hear?" He asked. Charlie quickly ran and almost tripped down the stairs. "Enough to know you and Angel are going to try for another baby." Alastor nodded. "It's true."

Charlie made a zipping motion over her mouth. "I won't say a word." Alastor smiled and petted her on the head. "Thank you, Charlie. Say, didn't you have something you wanted us to discuss?" Charlie's eyes widened. "Oh right."

The next morning

Alastor found himself in Angel's bed, head and 'downstairs' pounding, and Angel passed out and covered in feathers for whatever reason. That mystery solved itself when Alastor saw Fat Nuggets sitting on a torn open pillow. Someone acted like an animal last night. Angel muttered something that sounded like. "Damn're pretty good at that.........." Alastor felt his face go bright as he realized what Angel meant.

Alastor suffered now Angel. And if it seems like I threw all logic out the window, that's because I fucking have.

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