A 'normal' day

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The hotel was doing well per se. Naturally, there were the people who didn't think rehabilitation would work, but to Charlie's delight, about 4 residents were staying and attempting rehabilitation (not including Alastor's siblings who 'worked').

One day wasn't going any differently than normal days do. Alastor was working to try and lose at least some of the baby weight (has been for the past 2 years), Angel was 'making matching PJs for him and Nuggets' for whatever reason, Charlie was doing her job of running this actual place, Vaggie was showing Arabella what she did, Mia was watching the girls, Husk was doing bar stuff, Niffy was doing whatever Niffty does, and Alastor didn't know where Mio was or what he was doing. Alastor took a breath out and looked in the mirror. He looked more like he just ate too much and less like he had a literal baby a little over two years ago.

He grabbed his suit outfit and decided to have a shower. He took some time in the shower, not only because of what he did but because what parents of toddlers didn't want to have a long shower. Unfortunately, he did have to get out eventually and do stuff. Turning the water off and grabbing his towel, hoping this day won't be too bad. After the most recent game night, Alastor somewhat knew chaos.

Drying off and getting dressed, the radio demon heard something that sounded like an explosion happening in the distance, he looked through his window and saw Cherri doing whatever the hell she does, which seemed to be blowing things up 24/7. Alastor just closed his curtains minded his own business and left his room.

He immediately noticed Charlie leaving her office, her hair was slightly messed up along with her bow tie and her jacket was messed up by one button (when you forget that one button the shirt looks wrong). Alastor just watched as she went into her and Vaggie's hotel room, he wasn't saying a word as well as trying not to make eye contact. Going down the hall to the lobby, I saw Mia playing some kind of game to entertain the girls and Mio who was sitting on one of the chairs watching what was happening.

Looking up for whatever reason, maybe a feeling of knowing Alastor was there or something else, and the two brothers made eye contact. They stared at each other for a while before Mio looked down in his lap, and Alastor took the hint to leave and do his own thing.


Later Alastor was sitting with Angelica, playing with her like a decent parent, when he saw the stupid plushy that Mio was always leaving around. He grabbed it opened the door quickly and a little violently, and hit Mio in the face. Mio quickly grabbed his face. "Ow!"

Mio removed his hands to see blood and Alastor calmly handed the plushy to him. "Stay out of my room you little pest." His smile widened as he closed his door again, turning his head to see Angelica looking confused. "It was nothing, sweetie. Just your dad and uncle being immature."

He sat back down and continued playing with his daughter who seemed to have completely forgotten what she had just seen.
It was nighttime, Alastor was in his room while Angel as well as the girl were in his [Angel's] room, the deer actually couldn't sleep. He wiped his cheek again from Angel having kissed him, as he stared at the ceiling. He turned to his side and looked out the window, Hell could look nice when it's dark. Alastor silently watched before slowly falling 'asleep', and waiting for the day to repeat.

Fun fact; While I never hit my brother with a door, my brother and I have done something similar to what happened with Mio and Alastor. We were like, 10 and 6 btw. Again without the door.

I'll stop now

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